Demons of Paradise

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Early August, 1485, Middleham

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Early August, 1485, Middleham...

Hand in hand, the King and Queen of England strolled through the gardens of Middleham while the latter read a letter which had arrived that morning from Lizzie.

"What does she say?" Richard asked as Marian let out another sigh.
"She says: 'please save me for I am truly in hell. I am ordered to my devotions for at least 8 hours a day and am not permitted to speak during that time as according to my gaoler 'we do not speak in the house of God' . I beg of you humbly as your loyal servant, subject and loving niece for you to bring me salvation by placing me anywhere but here! Please, Marian, save me from Lady Margaret!  The pious old bat plagues my days, chastising me left right and centre for all that I do! God help me.'" She tucked the letter up her sleeve and looked up at her husband "we must have her moved, my love. Tis clear she's not happy! We cannot allow her to suffer!"

"I agree, sweetheart." He said "It seems Elizabeth had been rather quiet since she was moved to Grafton, perhaps we could move Lizzie there?"
"Oh really?" The Queen cried, smiling "you would let Lizzie go to her mother?" Richard nodded, briefly looking up to the sky as a falcon passed overhead"
"Tis as you said" he replied "we cannot allow her to suffer"

"Richard! Richard a messenger has arrived!" At the sound of his name, the King turned, quickly followed by Marian who had spun around so quickly that for a moment she was encased in a swirl of the white gauze veil which she had chosen to wear beneath her simple silver circlet that day. Eventually she pushed it back, just in time to see Rob rushing towards her, red in the face and struggling to catch his breath once he slowed his pace.

He held out a crumpled piece of parchment and Richard immediately snatched it from his friend's hands, a frown crossing his face as he unfolded it and began to read.
"My God...that bastard" He whispered. Marian and Rob looked at one another, raising their eyebrows in a silent exchange of concern.
"What is it, my love?" She asked. The King shook his head suddenly began running across the garden. The Queen made to go after him but after a few steps she suddenly felt an arm around her waist, pulling her back.

"Oh for heaven's sake, let me go, Rob!" She cried
"I will do no such thing!" He retorted, his grip tightening "If that letter contained what I think it contained then Richard will most likely want to be alone at the moment" Marian sighed, ceasing her struggle and somehow managing to turn round; was met with the sight of Rob looking down at her, eyebrows raised "Leave him in peace for a bit, eh? He will come to you when he's ready"

She nodded reluctantly and Rob finally let go of her, the corners of his lips upturning a little as he watched her straighten out her skirt and sleeves with little irritated huffs. When she at last looked at him again, her annoyed expression had softened a little and she titled her head.

"Well. We do not know how long Richard shall be and if I am forced to wait idly then I shall simply tear my hair out with worry so I suggest we find something to do!"
"Perhaps a ride across the moors?" Rob offered and Marian gave a curt nod
"Yes...I think that would be agreeable. Would you be so kind as to escort me to the stables, Sir Percy?"

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