And so Sets the Sun in Splendour

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As the sun began to set, London finally came into view and Marian heard Richard breathe a sigh of relief as he saw the gleaming lights of the city

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As the sun began to set, London finally came into view and Marian heard Richard breathe a sigh of relief as he saw the gleaming lights of the city. It had now been three days since they had left Middleham, they had departed just little over 2 hours after the pageboy had delivered his news, and Richard had hardly spoken a word throughout the entire journey, merely brooded in the day, held Marian in a tight embrace at night. She never left his side, let him have his silence for she knew well the amount of questions, worry and grief that would be coursing through his mind.

As they approached, they were let through the gates unhindered; were allowed to continue riding at the breakneck speed at which they were making their way across London towards Westminster. When they arrived they knew that something was indeed wrong for it was all quiet. The guards were still on duty but there were no milling courtiers, the palace was as silent and as desolate as Richard had been on the journey there.

Making their way to the King's chambers, a crowd had gathered outside including Harry, who had arrived just a few hours before and nodded to them.

"Tell us, Harry, is what the boy said true?" Marian asked anxiously.
Harry looked down; nodded, Richard inhaled sharply.
"Yes...Ed-the King is truly on his deathbed...he has invited all of his closest followers and allies here to instruct them in what should be done once he has passed..."

"Blood of Christ, his eldest is only 12...poor Richard is even younger...God have mercy upon them" Marian whispered

"Marian!" The sound of the Queen's voice made Marian's head bolt up and she rushed forward, pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace.
"Elizabeth...I don't know what to say...h-how is the King?"
"Your here just in time..." Elizabeth replied, her voice cracking slightly, her eyes tired, skin pale.

As the two drew back from the embrace, Marian could see Prince Richard behind his mother, watching Marian, memories of her from his childhood playing in his eyes.

"Hello Richard" The Duchess said gently, smiling as best she could at him, feeling pleasantly surprised as the 9 year old stepped forward and hugged her.
"I'm glad your here, Marian" he said quietly "is Eddie here as well?" He released her, still staying close as she shook her head slowly
"No, dear. But I promise that you shall see him soon..." young Richard nodded and walked with his mother into his father's rooms, Marian and the rest of the gathering close behind.

The bedchamber smelled strongly of herbs, Marian could see there were several incense burners dotted about the room, a last attempt to improve the king's failing health.

Alas, it would prove futile. They all gathered around the large state bed where the king was lying, his breaths shallow, his skin pale, almost a greyish colour, his eyes tired (like his Queen's) he looked as if he hadn't slept his whole 40 years of life. Elizabeth kneeled beside him, clutching his hand, tears pricking her eyes though she tried so hard to push them back, she couldn't show weakness in front of the nobles. She couldn't. Not now, not ever.

"It is the fate of Kings..." Edward said weakly, beads of sweat on his forehead "we never get to see what kind of ruler our sons will be..and I will never get to know what kind of man my sweet boy will become..." he paused, took in a struggled breath "I beg you to be as one for Prince Edward, keep him safe" Elizabeth bowed her head and Marian was about to go to her, but one look at her slightly trembling husband and she thought the better of it, gently slipped her hand into his and squeezed gently as the light from the torches flickered across Richard's dying brother's anguished face.

"I will work with all of you" The Queen said softly "to put Prince Edward on the throne"
"And I, your grace" Richard replied
"And I" Marian added
"And I" the voice of Anthony Woodville made everyone turn
"Anthony" Edward whispered, looking at him as he approached "Richard shall be guardian" he announced, very determined for his weakened state. Marian saw a flicker of surprise cross Elizabeth's face but she nodded, looking at Richard, then to Marian, gave them a small, tired smile.

"Of course, Edward" she said "Richard shall be Edward's guardian" she took a shaky breath "now leave us..."
Marian heard duchess Cecily give a small scoff of disapproval and Elizabeth cracked a little, a tear falling down her cheek "I-I want to say goodbye to my husband..." Richard gave a short, understanding nod and turned to the crowd as she turned to the King.

"Look upon your King one last time" he said "and remember him in your prayers..." the nobles began to disperse and Harry led a now sobbing Duchess Cecily ,along with the royal children, from the room, leaving Richard and Marian alone with the King and Queen.

The Duke of Gloucester slowly sat down on the bed, placed a hand on his brother's arm as his wife went to her friend, embracing her.
"I will honour your wish" Richard affirmed slowly "I know that you will..." Edward replied. His brother rose from the bed, turned to leave but as he was about to signal for Marian to join him, the King called out one last time "Richard" he said, his voice sounding a little urgent.

"There is-is something I must tell you..." Richard was instantly by his side again
"Speak Edward, tell me what your will is and I will do it"
Edward looked to Elizabeth for a moment, then back to Richard, staring at his little brother momentarily before shaking his head.
"It does not matter now..." he whispered "goodbye...Dickon..."

Marian looked up, still holding Elizabeth, surprised at the old affection-filled nickname, she had never heard it used in real life before, only in Richard's telling of old memories.

"Goodbye...Ned" Richard answered, mustering a smile, a smile full of childhood memories, of shared hardships, before walking to the door and taking one last look at Edward and almost running from the room. His wife hugged Elizabeth one last time and then rose, curtsied. Edward laughed a little, coughed again

"You should know by now that you of all people, Marian, do not have to curtesy to me..." he paused "Thank you for all you have done for me...for my family" Marian felt tears began to slide down her cheeks.

"You're welcome...Edward but it really must be I who is thanking you, for all you have done for me for if you had not claimed your rightful place on the throne...I would never have met Richard, would never have had my 7 beautiful children..." the King chuckled, nodded at her.

"You must promise to train your sons to fight, especially young Ned...he promises to be just like me"
"If that is his destiny then I could not be more well pleased" she smiled once more, wiping away another round of tears before turning and quickly walking from the room, trying hard to contain her sorrow.

She found Richard outside the bedchamber, waiting with Prince Richard and his sisters, all were crying. Marian went straight to her husband, practically threw herself into his arms but a few moments later, a strangled cry sounded from behind the door she had just closed.

"Mother!?" Lizzie cried out, beginning to run towards the chamber where her parents were but was quickly grabbed by Marian; pulled into a tight embrace as she began to sob. Her siblings gathered around the pair, clinging onto one another as they cried, cried with all their hearts for the loss of their father. Duchess Cecily clutched onto Buckingham as she reached for Richard, taking his hand as he also began to shed grief filled tears.

The King was dead.

And Elizabeth Woodville was Queen no more.

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