Roses were Red

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April, 1484, Westminster

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April, 1484, Westminster...

To Her Grace, Queen Marian of England,

Your mother is ailing even more each day and the physicians fear that she shall not last the week.
At least twice daily, she asks for you and I have noted that each and every one of these requests you have denied.

Do know, your grace, that I understand your hesitance to heed your mother for I know well what happened when you last saw her. But, she is dying, your grace, would it not be better to make peace with her rather then let her die without closure? She may not deserve your time or farewell (I know for a fact that she does not) but if you will not do it for her then do it for yourself, your grace, for I assure you it shall soothe any wounds you may still bear from her words and actions even though it has been many years.

If you do wish to pay a visit to the tower then I shall be happy to escort you there and make sure that you are well guarded.

I remain your ever loyal and loving friend,

Sir Robert Brackenbury

"What is that?" Richard asked as he watched Marian frown at the letter in front of her
"Tis from Robert" she replied, handing him the piece of paper "it seems my mother is truly dying...and each day I feel more obliged to go to her!"

"You are not obliged to do anything for that woman"
"Really? She is still my mother"
"She forfeited that title long ago, Mari" Richard replied, passing the letter back, watching as the Queen rose and (stepping over Arthur and Gwen who were dosing on the floor) nonchalantly cast the letter into the flames of the blazing evening fire.

Marian sat back down on the bed with a sigh, settling back against her husbands chest and picking up her King Arthur book.

"Ah so we are to read another passage tonight then?" The King chuckled, pleased that she still held the gift he had given her in 75 close to her heart.
"Not if you object!" She replied, grinning while she flicked through the pages, pausing every once in a while to look at the hand painted images depicting the knights of the round table "look!" She giggled, pointing to one of the figures "it's Sir Percival!"

"Your favourite!" Richard laughed, slipping an arm around her waist
"Do you remember when you gave Percy to me? That was one of the happiest moments of my young life..." she closed her eyes "I can still see the scene, you know...I remember closing my eyes like this and when I opened them he was there with you"

"I remember it well" Richard murmured into her hair "I will never forget the look you gave me... twas one of pure joy"
Marian 'hm'd' and then suddenly placed the book down rolled over so that she was lying on top of the King and smiled softly at him,

"Do you ever wish we could go back, Richard?" She whispered "Go back to when we were young and carefree?"
"I'm not sure we were ever carefree, sweetling, but I do at points find myself wishing to reverse time..."
"And live our life together all over again..." the Queen finished. Richard smiled and sighed, tilting his head.
"Exactly, Mari...exactly..."

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