Little Prince

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Marian woke the next morning to a small shuffling sound and the noise of paws on the floor

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Marian woke the next morning to a small shuffling sound and the noise of paws on the floor. She opened her eyes to see Meg placing a plate of food on the table by the window, Percy jumping up a little and placing his paws on the wooden surface.

"Down, Percy" Meg chided softly, Percy jumped down.
"Meg!" Marian cried, practically leaping from the bed to get to her friend and embracing her. "You're here!"
"Well where else would I be?" Meg asked with a laugh
"Oh, I don't know! But I'm glad that you are with me!"
"As am I! Congratulations on your victory, Marian! I hear that it was quite something to behold, a Lancastrian Princess turning to York!"
Marian grinned slightly.

"Well, my mother shall be furious and my brother will be more than likely baying for my blood!"
"You needn't worry about that though, I have been told that today you are to return to court"
Both women sat down
"Return to court?"
"I shall see the Queen again?"
"I think so and from your actions I have no doubt that you shall be high in favour!" Marian walked over to Percy
"Then I shall be glad to go!"
"Your belongings which were retrieved from the Lancastrian camp have been sent on to London... but I made sure to keep these two items with me"

Meg reached into the pocket of her skirt as produced Marian's dagger and necklace which she gratefully took with a smile.

"Thank you for keeping them safe for me, Meg"
"It was no trouble I know that they mean a lot to, I hear you had a visitor yesterday? A certain, Duke of Gloucester perhaps? Marian felt her cheeks begin to redden and her friend winked mischievously. "Ahhh so I'm right then?"
"If you must know, Meg, then yes! You're right. But nothing happened!" Marian answered at lightning speed

"Well...we kissed and..."
"And" Meg smiled playfully, leaning forward a little
"And nothing else!"
"Okay, okay! I believe you...for now"
"What do you mean 'for now' you silly goose?" Marian laughed
"I mean does not matter"
"If you say so!"
"Anyway, we should be preparing to move! The carriage will be here any moment"
"Yes, I agree"

Both rose from their seats and began to gather what little was in the room. Marian concealed her dagger under her skirts once again and removed the silver locket she still had around her neck, replacing it with the ruby one; wrapping it in a piece of cloth which she tucked up her sleeve. Percy came and nudged her with his nose.
"Hello, boy" she said, kneeling down. "Thank you for protecting Meg. You have made me very proud!" Percy appeared to stand up a little straighter, puffing his chest out as if he knew what his mistress was saying. Perhaps he did.

A few minutes later Marian, Meg and Percy emerged from the Priory and got into the carriage that was waiting for them at the gates. The journey to Westminster only took an hour or two so they were there by the afternoon.

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