Another War

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2 years later, Westminster Palace, June 1475, Marian is 21

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2 years later, Westminster Palace, June 1475, Marian is 21...

"So send out commissions and muster your men! We will take France!" Edward boomed, standing in front of his throne, flanked on either side by his younger brothers. Richard on his left, a resigned expression on his face, George on the right, smiling as he walked over to put his arms around his brother's shoulders
"Three sons of York!" He shouted, the crowd that had gathered in the throne room cheered "and none shall divide us" again, the crowd cheered.

The Duchess of Gloucester looked on from beside the Queen, holding her son who was now fast approaching his 2nd birthday. Despite the enthusiasm around them, neither Marian nor Elizabeth smiled, simply watched with worry written plain across their faces as they heard the declaration of war. Another war...

Anthony Woodville approached the two women and Elizabeth nodded to Marian, who put down her son, giving him a quick kiss and ruffling his dark hair. Edmund immediately toddled off to little Prince Richard who grinned childishly at his friend and together they attempted to raid the food table, maids and ladies in waiting (including a very out of breath Meg) running after them left, right and centre, nobles stumbling quickly out of the way of the boy's eager and determined path.

Marian, Elizabeth and the Queen made their way outside, walking along a path that overlooked part of the themes and gave a beautiful view of the setting sun; finally came to a halt, leaning against a wall that separated the place from the outside world.

"Another war" Anthony sighed "and Edward promised us an end to bloodshed and that our taxes wouldn't rise again to pay for it"
"Oh blame his brother George" the Queen replied sharply "cause he has surely talked him into it"
"Well they must have their war without me! I fought enough when there was reason I will not risk my life for this!"
"No, Anthony!" Elizabeth cried but her brother paid her no heed

"I am going on a pilgrimage to Rome"
"Edward needs you by his side in France! I do not trust George!"
"Richard says the King intends to give him the regency!" Marian remarked, crossing her arms. Anthony laughed, but there was no amusement in his voice

"George as regent?" He cried
"Yes!" Marian said "and it cannot be allowed to go ahead for if George becomes regnant of France all that the King, all that we have worked for will all be gone!"
Anthony and the Duchess looked to the Queen
"I have spoken to Edward...warned him that he would regret giving George even an inch of power. I believe that he may think on it. But Anthony, you must stay!"
"You will not talk me out of it, Elizabeth" her brother replied "take my advice; you have made your peace with Lady the same with George"

Elizabeth sighed and looked away
"Lady Margaret saved my son and earned her place as his nursemaid!" She said. Marian felt the urge to roll her eyes but resisted as Elizabeth continued, clutching the locket which contained the curse that her and Marian had laid down what seemed like a lifetime ago "George killed out father and brother! And now he's taking Edward into danger! I'll make my peace with George when he's dead."

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