Honour and Glory

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"I told you didn't I!" Laughed Rob to Richard as his squire put on his armour "I told you she would come and she did! The day that Marian isn't by your side in a battle will be the day that we all die!" "You know, I'm staring to believe that's tru...

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"I told you didn't I!" Laughed Rob to Richard as his squire put on his armour "I told you she would come and she did! The day that Marian isn't by your side in a battle will be the day that we all die!"
"You know, I'm staring to believe that's true!" Richard replied with a smirk.

"As you should" Marian said, walking into the tent, clad in her shining black suit of armour with her crown on her head and dark hair tightly plaited into one long braid "for it will keep me with you!"
"And keep all of us breathing!" Francis added as he followed her in, also in full battle gear.

"Any news on the enemy?" Richard asked
"They are even more of a shambles in the dawn light" Sir Brackenbury answered, walking in and grinning
"No word from Stanley?"
Brackenbury sighed
"He says he's on his way but you will not even need him"
"Just as I said last night!" Rob quipped "see, my friend, I was right!"

Richard chuckled and dismissed his squire, walking towards his wife and gently cupping her face with his hands, kissing her tenderly.
"Have you eaten yet?" She whispered as he pulled away a little "you shall need your strength"
She held up a piece of bread she had managed to sneak away from the food tent and saw an amused smile creep onto her husband's mouth before he leaned down to kiss her again, taking the bread from her hands.
"Now, come to think of it, last nights activities have left me quite hungry" he stated.

A quickly smothered laugh came from behind him and he turned a deep shade of red, having obviously forgotten there were others present. Marian looked to Rob (who had laughed) and playfully shook her head at him before jerking it to the side in a silent order for him and the others to leave. They were gone in a second and she sat down at the long table, skimming over the documents that lay scattered upon it.

"You look as red as the Lancaster rose"
"I shall recover soon enough" Richard replied, munching on the bread until he noticed Marian tugging fretfully at her braid. It came undone and she shook her head; hair tumbling over her shoulders in a wavy mess. He laughed "what's wrong, sweetling?"
"I-I can't seem to get it right!" She complained "I think it must be the nerves...or maybe my hair skills are simply bad, I was never as good as Meg with braids though she tried many times to teach me!"
"Let me try then!"

She arched an eyebrow but nodded, accepting his offer and Richard beamed excitedly, sat down next to her, taking the length of murrey ribbon that she used as a tie. He worked silently but gently, braiding her hair with the upmost care a precision before tying the ribbon at the end, placing her crown on her head and leaning back to admire his work.
"There!" He announced "all done"

Marian reached round, pleasantly surprised when she found one of the neatest braids to ever grace the earth. Turning, she exclaimed,
"Where on earth did you learn to do that?"
"My sisters" he replied then shrugged "what can I say? I've always been good with my hands"  
Marian laughed, smirking
"Now that is something I cannot deny"

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