Love Conquers All

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One night while Marian and Elizabeth were lying in the bed they shared, slowly drifting off to sleep, the latter suddenly sprang from the sheets, lit a candle and leant back against the wall

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One night while Marian and Elizabeth were lying in the bed they shared, slowly drifting off to sleep, the latter suddenly sprang from the sheets, lit a candle and leant back against the wall.

"What happened?" She asked. Her friend sat up, rubbing her eyes and drawing her knees up to her chest.
"W-what do you mean, Elizabeth?" She murmured, a look of confusion crossing her face.
"I mean what happened betwixt you and Richard? You have not spoken of him once during your stay here and I know you do love him more than anything in what happened?"

Marian was silent for a moment, staring at the other woman in complete shock.
"Ermm...well..." she began at last, trying to find the words she wanted to say but failing miserably "we...I...he...we...we quarrelled the day he left to find the Tudor. It all happened so quickly, minute he was gentle as a spring lamb and the next he was as as angry as I have ever seen...Lord I still don't know what to make of it"

"Tell me of it" Elizabeth prompted, sitting back down on the bed and taking Marian's hand. She nodded and proceeded to tell her friend of the scene by the pond, how it had escalated so quickly and then had been left unresolved, how she feared it would never be put right. At this, Elizabeth had shook her head, saying with the upmost determination that that was impossible for she had seen the love they bore one another and reassured her friend that a simple quarrel could not break a love such as theirs.

"In all honesty I do not know what to do...I cannot let us part on bad terms..." Marian said as she finished her tale "but I suppose I must simply obey for once"
"Go to him" Elizabeth offered as a solution. Her friend looked up at her as if she had gone insane "you heard what I said, my dear, go to him"

"I can't!"
"You can! He needs you by his side"
"He told me point blank that he does not, nor does he want me there. Through the years I have always been the one to fight against his instructions...perhaps it's time I listened"
"Go to him" Elizabeth said again


A thin cloak wrapped around her shoulders, hand in hand with Elizabeth. Marian tiptoed up to the children's chambers and pressed a soft kiss to each of their small, sleeping heads before placing each of the letters she had written to them by their bedsides.

Her friend had convinced her to go to Richard and they both agreed that if she was to get there in time before the battle then she would have to slip away now. Not wanting to wake the children from their slumber and worry them with her departure, she had written individual letters to them all, telling them where she was and that she loved them very much and would see them soon, promising them each a gift upon her return.

With these safely distributed, the two women snuck down to the kitchen and wrapped some bread and cheese up in some spare cloth, which Marian tucked into the pocket of her cloak, before making their way to the stables and saddling the fastest horse. All the time they giggled like young girls, covering their mouths in an attempt to stifle their mirth.

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