chapter thirteen

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*** reminder: translations will be in the comments by the dialogue! if you do not see them pls let me know! ***
*** warning: smut ahead...again ***

C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N

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CELIA'S FLIGHT WAS LEAVING MIDDAY. Connie offered to drop her off at the airport while the men were stuck out of town for work again. Right now, Celia was double checking her suitcase and her backpack that she was taking along for the flight.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Connie questioned again as she leaned against the doorway of her sister's room with the baby in her arms. "Your birth control? Your toothpaste? Your toothbrush? Oh a brush! Make sure you have something to pin your hair up for the funeral. Um, extra pair of shoes? Pajamas?"

"I have everything, but damn it I took my pill late yesterday and now I'm taking it late again today." Celia complained aloud to her sister before she swallowed the pill dry.

"Well at least you're taking it." Connie reassured her sister as she helped keep the suitcase closed while Celia zipped it up. "I don't think you want to land with one of these soon." Connie gestured to the baby in her arm's and as if she was responding to what she said, the baby babbled aloud cutely.

Celia chuckled as she gave the baby a kiss on the cheek. She thought of all the times she had sex and especially about Javier last night. Celia shook her head clear of Javier and how their sex last night had been a massive mistake.

"You're right, but at least you finally have one. I know it's been hard to give Steve a family since you two got married." Celia replied as she hauled her suitcase off her bed and slipped a strap of her backpack on her shoulder.

"I know, but I couldn't have asked for any other baby than this pretty girl." Connie stated as she gave her baby a kiss. "C'mon let's get there early so you'll make it through security in time."

Celia followed her sister out of her apartment with her luggage and down to the garage. Steve had generously left his car for Connie to take and carpooled with Javier for work.

As Connie strapped in her baby and placed her diaper bag in the car while Celia loaded her luggage into the trunk. The two woman then climbed into the car and Celia felt sick to her stomach. The thing she was dreading the most she had to finally face. Celia held back the tears that threatened to spill on the way to the airport while Connie would worriedly glance over at her quiet sister. Connie's sister was unhappy that the ride to the airport did not take long as she climbed out the car. Connie exited the vehicle as well as Celia popped open the trunk and the two woman began to take down her luggage. The sisters stood for a few seconds simply staring at each other before Celia let a few tears slip down her cheeks and Connie then brought her into a tight hug.

"If you need me to be there, please let me know. I'll either suffer through the flight with the baby or force Steve to watch her, but I'll do anything to be there for you." Connie said to her sister as she pulled back from the embrace. "I love you, Cece. Please never ever forget that."

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