chapter four

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chapter four

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chapter four

*** Spanish to English translations moved
to the comments for dialogue ***


"THANKS FOR PICKING ME UP." Celia said once she slid into the front passenger of Steve's car.

"You look nice." Steve commented as he watched his sister-in-law get in the car dressed in a red short sleeved top and matching red dress pants.

"Thanks," Celia smiled over at Steve as she looked out the front windshield of the car. "Where are we going that you needed me to dress so formally?"

"We're going to go see Congressmen Escobar." Steve responded as he quickly glanced over to Celia while he drove.

"He's not going to shoot up the place so he can have his way or whatever right?" Celia asked, slightly teasing, to which Steve simply gave her a look as if to be serious. "Why do you even want me to be there? Where's your partner, Javier?"

"I want you to be there to translate," Steve simply answered as he turned into the parking lot where the congressmen were going to meet. "Javi is got something else going on so he probably won't make it in time to meet us there. Hence why I asked you to come."

"Ah, I understand." Celia replied as she got out of the car and shut the car door behind her. "You ready to shoot your way out if they do come in with guns blazing?"

Steve gave her the same serious look he had given her earlier and Celia sputtered out a small laugh. As she laughed, Steve couldn't help but give in and let a small smile spread on his lips.

"You're funny, you know that?" Steve said as they entered the building and Celia helplessly shrugged in response with a smile.

Steve displayed his badge to one of the employees there and he was then directed to head up a set of stairs to the public seating above the congressmen. Celia's maroon-colored heels clicked along the floor as she walked up the marble stairs to the seating with Steve. Once they found a spot to sit, Steve allowed Celia to go ahead of him. The two sat on the polished wooden bench and glanced around the room, waiting for Escobar.

"Who's that up front?" Celia asked as she subtly pointed out one of the men sitting at the very front of the room.

"Him?" Steve said as he pointed to the Minister of Justice and Celia nodded in confirmation. "That's the Minister of Justice. He's an ass if you ask me."

"I know all politicians are assholes but, if you ask me, he's a nice-looking Minister of Justice I'll tell you that." Celia commented as she leaned back into the bench and kept her gaze on him before a man in a beige suit jacket entered the room below. "Oh my God,'s him."

Celia got Steve's attention and pointed out the man everyone seemed to be waiting for to walk in. Men stood up from their seats and others pulled away from their current conversations just to greet Pablo Escobar. Steve tensed at the presence of Pablo while Celia stared at the man in a sort of awe. So this was the man who was running one of the biggest cartels ever? He seemed like any other married man in Colombia, but his innocent look was obviously a facade.

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