chapter nineteen

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C H A P T E R  N I N E T E E N

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C H A P T E R  N I N E T E E N

NICHOLAS PARKED HIS CAR ALONG THE CURB. The two had just returned from having dinner and then dessert together. They sat in silence and Celia knew he had yet to mention Javier to her at dinner. She was starting to believe she dodged a bullet.

"Thanks for taking me to dinner. You just love showing me how much I can really miss you, huh?" Celia said as unfastened her seatbelt and reached for the door handle. "I had a nice night, Nick. I'll see you–"

"Not so fast." Nicholas interrupted Celia before she even got the door open. "I told you we were going to talk about Javier."

"Well can we at least take a walk around the block while we do so. This car is getting a little stuffy." Celia suggested and Nicholas nodded his head in agreement.

The two stepped out of his car and Nicholas locked it before offering his arm to Celia. She looped her own around his before they began to walk down the block.

"Tell me about you and him and don't even think about lying because I know your tell. I've known you long enough to know when you're lying anyways." Nicholas said as they walked side by side.

Celia sighed heavily as she looked down at her feet. She forgot she wore heels to dinner and began to regret her suggestion to walk around the block.

"I met Javier the day we picked up Steve from his first day at work. I knew the minute I met that man he would be trouble for me." Celia explained as she avoided Nicholas's gaze. "He wasn't trouble at first though. We became close friends and I tried...I tried fighting my feelings that grew for him. Javier is not the kind of man who settles. It's all about work for him and I wanted to think that maybe I could change that. Maybe he would realize with me that he wanted to change for me. I was stupid to think that. We started sleeping together the night of my birthday. It went on for a few months, but I couldn't do it anymore. I realized sex was all we were doing and it was all he wanted me for. I was so fucking stupid to think for even a second I could change him. Its like I didn't care Steve would talk about the woman he screwed almost every night. I ignored the fact that he left his ex-fiancée before their damn wedding. I regret it all because we both ruined the friendship we had. It's never going to be the same as it was before."

Celia stopped in her tracks and pulled her arm from Nicholas. She used both hands to wipe away any tears that threatened to spill. Nicholas's heart broke a little upon seeing his best friend like this. At the same time his irritation towards Javier grew. The last thing Celia needed in her life was another man who wasted her time. She didn't need another man who played with her emotions like Andrew.

"C'mere." Nicholas pulled Celia into his arms, wrapping them around her and holding her close. Silence fell between them before Celia spoke again.

"I really do love you, Nicholas Cohen." Celia softly said to her best friend as she hugged him.

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