chapter three

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chapter three

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chapter three

WHEN THE TWO MEN RETURNED FROM MEDELLIN, the following days were ones that were quiet. Javier seemed to take a step back and away from the Murphy family and Celia after the events that took place during their trip. Steve eventually got tired of the two women blaming him for Javier being distant and surrendered to their requests of being told what had happened. Celia and Connie immediately fell quiet, unsure how to process what they had been told.

That night, after they had dinner, Connie had sent Celia down with a plate covered with Saran Wrap. After a few soft knocks on the door of Javier's apartment, a moment later he appeared when opened the door.

"Oh, Celia...Hi." Javier greeted the woman in front of him, a bit taken aback to see her there at his apartment. Steve usually is the one visiting him. The agent held the door open further to allow Celia in. "Come on in."

Celia flashed Javier a small smile before she stepped into his apartment so he could close the door behind her. She took a quick glance around his place before turning to the agent.

"We haven't seen you in a minute, so we thought it was a good idea to bring you some dinner. I hope you didn't eat anything yet." Celia said, coming up with a reason on the spot as to why she was bringing him a plate of food. She then handed the dish over to Javier for him to take. "She made some Hawaiian meatballs with some grilled veggies and white rice. Steve's family really likes them. It was a big hit that first summer we had with his family after they got married."

"Ah..." Javier breathed out while he took the Saran Wrap off the plate, taking a meatball and popping it into his mouth. "Mm, I can see why Steve's family liked it so much. So, what's the real reason you're here?"

"Real reason?" Celia asked before letting out a forced laugh, shaking her head. "I don't know-"

"You're a bad liar," Javier stated aloud while he pulled a drawer open in his kitchen and grabbed a fork. "You do know that, right?"

"I'm not a bad liar," Celia argued before letting out a sigh and taking a seat on Javier's couch. "Connie and I were worried.... Steve told us what happened in Medellin."

Javier stopped in his tracks, holding the fork midair before he set it down on the plate. He moved away from his kitchen and towards Celia. The agent took a seat on the couch before Celia, setting down the plate on the coffee table afterwards.

"What did he tell you?" Javier questioned the woman next to him in a soft voice, keeping his eyes on his hands to avoid eye contact.

Celia glanced over at the DEA agent before she relayed what her brother-in-law told her.

"He said an informant of yours was kidnapped and they were in bad shape when you found them. Steve mentioned it hit you hard. Real reason I came? I wanted to make sure you were okay. I can't imagine how hard that must've been on you."

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