60. It was Always Going to be a Mess

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Rule 11: Being feared gives you power, but power isn't everything.

The first thing Bakugou was aware of when he came to was the man administering CPR to Otsuka. That was strange for two reasons: one, CPR was for people who weren't breathing and lacked a heartbeat and there was no way these villains had killed fucking Robin, and two, he recognised the firefuck giving her CPR. The second thing he was aware of was that his hands were cold as shit. A dazed glance down told him the huge metal box swallowing half both his arms was probably the cause of that. No way he could use his quirk like this, he'd only hurt himself.

The third thing he realised was probably the worst thing. Realising he was surrounded by villains, some of whom he'd met before while they were trying to kill his classmates, was never going to be a pleasant experience.

"She's dead, Dabi, dead people are no fun to play with."

Firefuck continued, ignoring the crazy blonde chick. "Boss wants her alive."

"Bit late for that one," a villain dressed in black with white stripes muttered.

Fuck no. Robin wasn't dead. Besides a little blood around her nose, she didn't even look hurt.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" the same black and white villain asked, his voice changing almost entirely. Two-faced creep.

Bakugou cringed as Firefuck pressed too hard, a crack snapping through the air. But Robin was up and breathing the next second, hands scrabbling around and latching onto the first thing she came across, which happened to be Firefuck's shirt.

Bakugou felt his eyes droop, his body suddenly feeling heavier than it should. Maybe he'd been drugged. Did these villains fucking drug him? He was going to murder them with his bare hands.

One of the villains stumbled, despite stationary before, like he'd been leaning to one side and had to catch himself. Bakugou had been kidnapped by idiots.

The warp villain dangled a pair of thick cuffs— nothing like the heavy-duty ones freezing Bakugou's fingers off but not thin or flimsy like the normal handcuffs police used— by Firefuck's face. The inside of the bracelet parts were lined with short needles that Bakugou did not like the look of. Firefuck took the cuffs anyway, and used Robin's grip on him to wrap her wrists in the metal. She looked out of it, she didn't even fight the guy as he cuffed her. Instead, her eyes wandered the room loosely; she showed no recognition of a damn thing, not even concern when she looked right at Bakugou to find his hands in a metal block.

Did these guys drug her too? Or maybe she'd had CPR because her heart really had stopped and she was just dazed from being brought back to life.

"Move her next to our new friend," Handyman ordered, voice dry and cracked— like most of the guy's skin. Someone needed to show that weirdo what chapstick was, and moisturiser too. For the sake of the whole world.

Wait, new friend? They'd better not be talking about Bakugou. No fucking way. He wasn't these fucks' friend.

"She's not here to be your new friend, right?"

"No," Handyman agreed. He could probably do with a cough sweet too, come to think of it. "She's one of Sensei's NPCs."

"So we can do what we like to her so long as she lives," Firefuck remarked.

Handyman made a noise, somewhere between a breath and a wheeze. Between the fingers of the hand plastered to his face, his red eyes were manic; under the palm, a grin stretched his lips. Any minute now, those lips would stretch too far and blood would well in the cracks. "This is why I'm a player and you're a piece: you're so caught up in enjoying the fun little NPCs on offer that you never level up."

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