73. Face the Truth

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Rule 21: Scratch that, I prefer being invisible.

Otsuka was fairly certain she was dreaming at this point. Essentially draped across Oboro and TT's laps in her new room in the UA's newly-built dorms, this was a best case scenario she never saw coming. Oboro had a room on the opposite (boys) side of the building. Crazy though it seemed, he was joining 1-A, despite being in his second year the last time he was at UA. Apparently there was something about the legal issues of missing out on school for over a decade that meant he was better off restarting his high school years (close to restarting, anyway).

Apparently, the plan was for Otsuka's previous catchup lessons to become mandatory 'how not to be a villain' lessons and they would be for both TT and herself with whichever teacher was willing to take them that day. During the day, while Otsuka and Oboro would be in 1-A, TT would be working (again) with whatever teachers were free on (again) not being a villain. There was also going to be some counselling. TT wasn't going to argue against any of the conditions of him being here— not being allowed anywhere without a hero escort, lessons, counselling— they were all worth it if it let him be here. Plus, some counselling would probably do him good.

So here Otsuka was, guilty of hiding a villain, with a boy who was dead a few weeks ago and the villain she was guilty of hiding sitting on her bed. Things were somehow both more messy and less cluttered.

"Oi!" TT pinched her nose between his knuckles and she instinctively swatted him away, glaring at him, but he only grabbed her wrist, holding her before she could even make contact. "Head out of the clouds."

"When the other option is having it here, why would I want to come down?"

TT rolled his eyes.

"What? You don't want to see my beautiful face?" Oboro asked.

Otsuka snorted, almost laughing harder at the glare TT was sending Oboro's way that could make stone weep. Oboro grinned back, the picture of an innocent devil. Something was going on there, she wasn't entirely sure what. Males. Weirdoes.

"What are you worrying unnecessarily about today?" TT asked, like he didn't worry unnecessarily sometimes too— often, really.

Otsuka took one look at Oboro's face and realised she wasn't going to be forced to say it herself. Thank goodness. "Her class are arriving today, idiot," Oboro said, just like she thought he would.

"Boys, get along." She'd been hoping the two of them would be friendly, cordial at least, instead they seemed to have formed a strange sort of relationship. From what she could tell, it revolved around two things: 1) to be around Otsuka meant they had to be around each other, 2) the only way to deal with the dishonour of being in each other's presence was to insult each other regularly and often. At the very least, they seemed to be enjoying it, most of the time. If this was the start of a friendship, it was going to be an interesting one, and very entertaining for her.

The two glared at each other when they thought she wasn't looking and she pretended not to notice. "You'll be fine," TT said with a confidence she definitely wasn't feeling.

More quietly, Oboro asked, "Are you going to have to tell them?"

Otsuka was sort of grateful to be able to shake her head, even if the pro came with plenty of cons. "The situation was explained to them. Once TT's trusted enough, he'll be joining one of the hero classes so they have to be aware." As much as not having to stand in front of her classmates and say she'd hidden this and lied was pleasant, it also meant she hadn't been able to let them know on her terms, and that she had no idea how they were reacting to it. For all she knew, the entire class had already decided to hate her.

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