2. Haha, What?

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Rule 69: Go with the flow. Run with the winds. Follow the waves.

U.A. were sent many videos to prove the strength and control of one Otsuka Emiko. Principal Nezu had certainly been given an interesting proposition here, having a controlee was unusual and surprising, especially one who wanted to be part of a hero course. It left Nezu in such a ponderous state that his tea had gone cold.

With the capabilities displayed, the girl definitely had what she needed to join the course. Nezu predicted she likely would've come close to top for the entrance exam practicals if she'd been given the chance. Her general intelligence seemed equally as sufficient for her to stay on top of the academic side of the course and, according to the written file, she had the drive to work hard to catch up with the brief period she'd missed. He believed she could do it, and, considering her situation, it would be a big chance for her.

But this wasn't a decision he could make lightly. For one, he preferred to keep the classes at an even number of twenty so partner ups were easier and for two, even if she'd worked twice as hard as many of the students who had got in, she hadn't taken the exam and there were many other children who may very well have deserved a chance at UA that they never got. Why should she get special treatment just because she was born different?

Before making a final decision, the mouse/bear/cat/dog/man chose to consult the two teachers who may or may not find themselves teaching the girl in the near future. The homeroom teachers for classes 1-A and 1-B.

"She's got a very dangerous quirk," Aizawa muttered, not recognising the girl he'd met literally a few days ago aside from a sense of passing familiarity. Though perhaps that was because the videos he was watching now had been done from a distance- and clearly for good reason.

"Yes, but many of us do, and she has greater control than many of our students," Vlad King countered. "I for one, think she's good hero material, she'd be a great and powerful addition to our hero course."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "We barely know anything about her. As a controlee, she's been locked away from the world for the majority of her life, I doubt she'd mix well with others."

"I'm sure my class would happily welcome her in!" Vlad King announced, clapping one hand on Aizawa's shoulder and ignoring the glare it earned him.

"But her quirk is lethal-"

"So is Thirteen's," Vlad King reasoned.

"She's a controlee for a reason. What if she loses her control?" Aizawa pointed out. His knowledge of controlees (like the other two here) was a mixture of the information they'd been given upon becoming heroes- a bare minimum that amounted to 'these people exist, be careful with them'- and rumour. While that rumour did suggest there being a lot of work in a controlee getting cleared, Aizawa couldn't put stock in that. Without a cuff to keep them safe, a controlee wandering the school corridors was a real and present danger.

"A controlee who's been cleared. Did you not see the videos?"

"Her teachers did warn us that she has random attacks on very rare occasions where her quirk can go a little berserk, but she has a cuff that she's been given to keep on her at all times to avoid endangering anyone and it's been a long time since her last one," Nezu interjected, providing the two heroes with something more to discuss.

"So it's overdue," Aizawa pointed out. "Something like this is too dangerous." Maybe he was being pessimistic, but the safety of the students was paramount. With a quirk like Otsuka's, in a school with such a high population density, and 'attack' as Nezu had put it could do a lot of bad.

"I disagree, I think the risks are worth the gain," Vlad King stated. "And if Eraserhead thinks he has enough on his plate with Midoriya's control issues then I'd be happy to allow Miss Otsuka to join 1-B."

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