7. A School Trip

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Rule 42: Now or never.

Otsuka pulled on her fresh uniform, the material rough since it was new, and stood ready by the door as Yamada dragged his husband (who clearly would much rather be sleeping right now) out into the main living area. Chipper and bright even at this time of the morning, Yamada led both of them out to the car.

Otsuka fought to keep herself from bouncing up and down excitedly on the drive there. Walking through the UA gates was incredible, even though this was her second time; she was never going to tire of this. Not ever.

Yamada thankfully dropped her off at her classroom since she didn't know the way yet, while Aizawa went straight for the sofa in the teacher's lounge. Since both adults were teachers, they had to arrive early so Otsuka assumed she'd be alone until her classmates arrived. She was wrong.

There was a boy there, sitting so straight he was could've been a wooden board. He had dark blue hair and glasses and the badge on his chest named him as Iida.

"Good morning," Otsuka greeted.

He stood immediately and bowed, taking her by surprise. "Good morning, fellow student! I am sorry I did not get to properly introduce myself on Saturday." His back came up again, still stock straight. "I am Iida Tenya, it's nice to meet you!" His arms moved in such sharp, robotic gestures that Otsuka actually thought he might break something.

"And you." With only one other person in the room, it was easy for Otsuka to feel less nervous, in fact, she had a feeling she'd be a lot less nervous overall today since this wasn't the whirlwind she'd experienced on Saturday. She pointed at the badge on Iida's shirt, thinking back to what um... Ponytail girl, uh... Momo? Maybe Momo said about making badges for everyone. "Is there one of those for everyone?"

"I believe so, they are on Momo's desk, towards the back."

Otsuka turned her head to the back desks and spotted the rows of badges laid out. "Thanks." She wasn't sure if she was actually going to find one with her name on it but there it was, next to an Ojirou. She clipped it onto her shirt and dropped her bag down by her desk as a few more people entered the classroom. She'd have to remember to thank definitely Momo for making the badges later.

First was the spiky-blonde with the similarly spiky personality, Bakugou. Otsuka was glad she'd chosen to learn his name earlier since he blatantly refused to even touch the badge Momo had made for him. Momo was next to appear, her bag was already at her desk so Otsuka assumed she'd arrived earlier and had something to do outside the classroom. The girl smiled when she discovered some of her badges were already in use and only rolled her eyes when she realised Bakugou wasn't wearing his.

Next in was the boy with fluffy, green hair. His hands gripped tightly to his backpack as he walked to his seat before noticing the badges and taking his. He gave Otsuka a wave and said good morning, introducing himself as Midoriya Izuku and they ended up having a nice conversation about their one day weekend. The ginger chose not to mention her letter and instead talked about exploring, while Midoriya described a day of homework and spending time with his mother. He seemed really nice and while he stuttered more in that one conversation than Otsuka probably had in her entire life (which said a lot really) he seemed like he'd be someone Otsuka would enjoy getting to know.

Midoriya turned when a girl with a sweet bob of brown hair walked in and joined them by Iida's table where all four of them continued chattering away.

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