4. Chez Aizawa-Yamada

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Rule 112: Games are fun.

"So, my bag?" The one with her clothes which never made it off the bus as far as Otsuka was aware.

"Nezu says it's waiting for you at the apartment," Yamada answered, trademark grin on his face as he turned around in his seat.

Cool. C-c-coo-cool. Cool. Very cool.

Silence returned to the car ride and- not being great at social situations- Otsuka let the silence continue, looking out the window to pass her time. Yamada however, being the social butterfly he was, could not stand such painfully awkward quiet.

"So Otsuka, tell us about yourself," Yamada requested.

Not cool. Not cool. Abort! Abort! Otsuka cleared her throat. "Um, what do you, uh, I mean w-w-what do you want to know?"

Yamada seemed stuck on that for a moment and Otsuka considered the possibility that she might be safe from answering the question. "Why don't you start with something you like?"

Something I like? Otsuka repeated in her head. She had played some games with Matsui once or twice. "Cards? I guess."

"You guess?" Yamada parroted.

It wasn't her fault her life didn't have a tendency towards giving her spare time. She spent most of her hours in the training room, trying to get cleared, her plan was so set: train, get cleared, train and study, get into a hero course, train and study, get the license, become a sidekick, rise through the ranks, help people. At no point was there a 'relax and enjoy some free time' and either way, up until now, she'd just never thought she had the time. "Definitely, cards are definitely fun," she said, having only played a grand total of two card games in her entire life, one of which was Go Fish and the other was poker.

"Any game in particular?" Yamada pressed curiously, only kindness in his mind.

"Go Fish," she responded, deciding telling them her love of poker wasn't the best plan since it wasn't really a game meant for kids- gambling and all that. Though her teachers had been the ones to let her join their weekly game once a month (they refused to have her any more often because she always won). "Go Fish is fun."

Yamada nodded, keeping one eye on his husband to make sure he didn't fall asleep at the wheel. "Awesome! What about something you really don't like?"

Otsuka blinked for a good few seconds, these questions were so random. She wasn't too fond of Matsui's quirk, or more specifically the way it would conjure creatures from his worst nightmares in molten metal. She didn't like bullies or people who found joy in making people suffer. "Spicy food," she told them, remembering the burning sensation every other Tuesday when the cook made chilli con carne. She always covered the hot sauce with as much cheese as she could to help with the painful flavour.

"Amen to that," Yamada returned, reaching his hand back for a high five that Otsuka returned more out of a sense of politeness than anything else.

"So how did you find your first afternoon at UA?"

There was a lot to say on that topic. "It was pretty incredible," she spoke, trying desperately not to start squealing as she remembered the day, meeting All Might, doing that quirk test, meeting All Might, making- hopefully- a start on a friendship maybe, meeting All Might, did she mention meeting All Might because that was awesome!

"Yeah? Awesome."

Otsuka nodded happily. She met All Might. She made a fool of herself in front of All Might. Meh, meeting him was the important bit.

"So, since you missed the first two weeks, there's a plan to give you catch up lessons with Vlad King until you're up to date. That sound good?"

Vlad King? Hmm, she didn't think she had his autograph. "Sounds great."

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