49. Rose-Tinted Glasses

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WARNINGS: Past massive privacy violations of a child.
Also, I feel like it should be a warning in and of itself that the character who suffered the violations has no belief that there was anything wrong about that happening.

The talk where these warnings come into play is towards the end of the chapter. There will be a warning in-chapter to help people skip. Or there's a chapter summary below for anyone who doesn't want to take the risk that their eyes might see something they don't want to see.

Whatever is best for you, please do it. It's most important to me that you all take care of yourselves, I do not ever want to cause harm with my writing. My love to you all (:

Chapter Summary:
Mina complains to Otsuka about failing the exam and therefore missing the summer camp only for Aizawa to reveal that everyone is going anyway. Otsuka goes to the mall with her classmates to collect some camping gear she'll need. Aizawa goes with her to protect her from the 'villain threat' to her but he's inconspicuous about it, watching from a distance.
He ends up in a coffee shop while she's with Mina and a stranger comes to sit opposite him. Once Aizawa explains he's not a creep watching a teenage girl and the stranger— 'Daniel', a heavily scarred man with dark hair and blue eyes— explains he spent some time at the same control school as Otsuka, they begin to talk.
Daniel tells Aizawa some things that happened at the school weren't exactly great and Otsuka had very likely been lied to by Mags on multiple occasions, blaming Otsuka's quirk for things the school had done to her on purpose. He gives Aizawa some questions to ask her which (later on and with her permission) he does. The answers he gets reveal that Otsuka was recorded 24/7 so that someone could get to her as quickly as possible if she had a quirk episode, giving her no leeway for basic privacy.
Daniel also strongly believes TT had been forced to leave the school three years ago to protect Otsuka from harm. Otsuka is of the belief TT willingly ran away, leaving her behind.

Chapter 49. Rose-Tinted Glasses

Rule 71: Anybody can be a liar if given the chance.

The final exams, despite certain incidents, went pretty well. Five students failed, but sixteen passed including Kaminari and Otsuka. That of course had left some very depressed classmates convinced they were no longer going on the summer trip. One of those classmates was currently leaned up against Otsuka, one wrong word away from crying a river. Otsuka didn't blame her, everyone was looking forward to having some fun. The hero course was a stressful place normally, but they'd had it much worse than most previous year groups.

"Goodbye fun in the sun," Mina muttered dejectedly. "Goodbye pillow fights."

"Mina, it's a training camp," Otsuka reminded her. "You know how Mr Aizawa is, we're not going to have any pillow fights."

Mina leaned further into Otsuka, squashing her into the wall. "And so ends the life of Ashido Mina, death by lack of fun."

The door burst open and Uraraka arrived, tailed by a grinning Aoyama. "I do not have a crush on-"

Uraraka's eyes widened and she turned white as a sheet. Then she went bright red and Otsuka cringed in second-hand embarrassment. Lucky for Uraraka, Midoriya came up to the pair with his usual happy smile and bundle of nerves and distracted her from what happened, which in turn meant the rest of the class who'd arrived at school early enough to bear witness could go back to whatever they'd been doing before.

"Goodbye girl talks," Mina whimpered pitifully.

Otsuka couldn't do much more than pat her on the arm.

About ten minutes later, they learned that— as it turned out— the whole 'failure equals no camp' thing was merely a logical ruse to make sure they brought their all to the exams. Honestly, they probably should've seen it coming. Like Aizawa said, it was a training camp, anyone who failed needed it more than anyone else, it was illogical to keep them from the camp.

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