Chapter 9

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I felt like I was floating on a cloud. I gripped the silky sheets to me tightly. I was sprawled on the whole bed. It's a thing. When I sleep, I can't control my body. I go to sleep like a manner full little lady, but every time I wake up, I wake up like a starfish. Even my mouth was open. I looked at the windows. I couldn't see the sunlight due to how thick was the curtains. So I checked my phone. But it showed the Sri Lankan time. So I had to checked the London time. It was 6.43 in the morning. I wondered that the others are woke up.
Wait... others.. I only met Nathan and Chris. And Chris said that he didn't even live here. Today I have to meet my other brothers. I wonder if they are nice like the other two.

I slowly got up from the bed and strolled towards the bathroom. After I did my business, I got dressed in a long sleeved light blue shirt and black denim, I put on my socks. Because it was freezing even in the room. I couldn't walk on the wooden floor. I was conflicted choosing between going downstairs or staying in the room. If I stayed here they will think I'm a lazy girl. I didn't wanted to ruin my reputation after I just got here. So I decided to go down. I slowly got out of the room. I slightly remembered my way to the living room. I didn't wanted to head butt in to someone so I walked slowly.

The house was freezing cold. Of course it was December but I wasn't used to cold. Because I grew up in Sri Lanka. It is a warm country. I remembered yesterday when I came here, I could see my own breath. I slowly made my self downstairs. There was no one in the living room. So I took my time to study the living room. I didn't noticed the first time I was here but there was a giant grand piano in the corner. I badly wanted to play it but I didn't wanted to anyone creep up behind me while I was playing so I gave only a glance to the piano.
I headed to the kitchen. To my relief there was Gina, cooking in the kitchen. The whole place smelled sweet, turning my saliva glands on. I took a step closer to look at what she was making. Silently.

" You know it's rude to creep up on someone" I jumped up muffling my scream with my own hands. Gina turned to me laughing loudly. Completely ignoring my scowl towards her.
" You look cute with that scowling face of yours" she spoke to me with her slight British accent while pointing a finger at me. While still laughing.

When she stopped her laughing fit, she asked me why I was awake this early. " It's just my usual time. I'm used to being awake this early." If only she knows.

Gina raised her brows slightly with an amusing face.
"So, where is everyone?" I asked Gina.
" Nathaniel is still at work and other two came late yesterday and I think they're still asleep." Gina said to me while making, I think breakfast. Wait.. other two?

"Nathan said to me that I have five brothers?" I was confused. I already met Nathan and Chris, and just now Gina is saying that the other two is sleeping, so where's the other one?
Before I could think about it for more time someone cleared their throat behind me. It was Nathan.
He gave me a slight smile which always seemed to ease my mind. "Good morning Natasha, How did you sleep?"

He was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and he also looked tired. There was small dark circles under his eyes, but he held alright.
"Good morning to you too.I slept very good. The bed is very comfy." Nathan gave out a slight chuckle.
"I figured, because you have one of the comfiest bed in this house."
Wow. I did not expect that, but how nice of him.
Just as I was about to thank him for that someone entered the kitchen. A boy looked younger than both Nathan and Chris, had jet black hair, light blue eyes, mostly looked like grey eyes. He was wearing a simple sweatpants and a black fitted T-shirt. He gently walked in to the kitchen with his hands in his sweat's. He was very tall. Just like Nathan and Chris. Funny thing was that he was looking straight at me, but with a neutral face. It looked like he was looking straight in to my soul through my eyes. Eyes that hold many secrets. He looked mysterious.

"Natasha, let me introduce you to your third oldest brother, Colton Rodriguez."
Wow. Seems like I'm meeting my brothers in age order. Now I only got to meet my other two brothers.
Just like yesterday Gina was nowhere to be seen now.
I unconsciously stiffened a little when I saw Colton walk towards me. I was glad that nobody saw that.

I was shocked to the moon when I realized that Colton had gently embraced me. He guided his arms around my shoulders and gently pulled me towards him, reaching my head to his lower chest. He slowly put his head on my head with a lonely sigh. I couldn't help but greeting him with a timid "hello".  My arms were not still hugging him. I wasn't used to hug someone other than Sachini, specially a boy. But Colton didn't seem to mind it, he was still hugging me.

I heard someone cleared their throat. I knew it was Nathan. But Colton didn't let go of me. I was starting feel lightheaded with his hug and Nathan saw this.
"Colton that's enough,let her breathe."
Even after he left me go, he kept his one arm around my shoulders, smiling softly at me.

Nathan was slightly shocked. He knew bringing back Natasha would indeed be a change for good. But Colton was always a person who managed to hide his emotions, secrets. It was a surprise to see that he showed emotions in front of Nathan.

All Nathan got to do was introduce Natasha to Jacob and Ashton. Which will be a challenge.

So guys I am reminding you again for my spelling mistakes. Because English is not my mother language.😅😅
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