Chapter 13

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You made me this
Bring me up
Bring me down
Play it sweet
Makes me move like a freak

Nostalgia 💆🏻‍♀️

I fluttered open my eyes. My head was hurting badly. I remembered what happened yesterday, and dreaded going outside of my room. I checked my phone and my eyes bulged out seeing the time. It was 10.30 in the morning. I needed to get up but l didn't wanted to face anyone today. But I was hungry.

Curse my stomach.

I washed my face and got dressed in a long sleeved sweater and jeans. In my room the curtains were closed. Because of that my room was dark. So I opened the curtains of my room.

I was awestruck with the scene before my eyes. It was snowing outside. I have never seen snowing before. Little snowflakes were starting to stick to my window. The whole garden was covered in snow. I suddenly got a itch to run out side to play with snow. For a millisecond I forgot about the yesterday events.

I sprinted out of my room. I ran down the stairs and passed the kitchen,dining area and living room on the way. I didn't noticed that Gina poked her head out of the kitchen to get a look at what the rush was. Running down the corridors I smashed in to something or someone. And of course my nose was throbbing because of that.


"Where are you running to?" A deep voice asked me.

It was Nathan. I didn't saw him after yesterday evening. Even if he speaks gently to me every time, I couldn't help but be a little intimidated by him. Not only him but also Christian. They both are very similar.
His hands were both on my shoulders to steady me.

I looked in to his eyes that held slight curiosity. "Snow." Only one word left me and he understood it.
He gave out an amusement expression. With a slight twitch up on his lips he said, " Did you had your breakfast?"
Shoot. Nothing past this man.

"Come on. Nobody had breakfast. You can go play with snow afterwards."
He slowly pushed towards the dining area and sat at the head of the table. He was dressed in casual. This was the first time I had ever seen him in them. Gina was preparing the table and I wanted to help her. But she said it was ok and she did it alone. After she prepared the table she went to get the others downstairs.

After a minute Colton walked towards the dining area with his calm and elegant walk. Hands in his pant's pockets. Like most of the time his face was blank. But after he saw Natasha his eyes held a soft gaze. He bid good morning to both Nathaniel and Natasha and sat besides her. After a few seconds grouchy Jacob and well dressed Christian walked in too.  Natasha decided to break the pregnant pause.

"Did you managed to work out the urgent matter that you had yesterday?" She asked turning towards Nathaniel.

"Me and Christian went yesterday to get Ashton home."


Now everyone one was looking at Natasha. Her mood instantly turned in to conflict. She knew Ashton have some kind of a problem with her. It was proven yesterday with his behavior towards her. That saddened her. He was her twin brother and she wanted to get along with him. She knew she had the most bond towards him but she wasn't sure why he seemed distant. All the brothers she met until Ashton was good towards her.
"Oh." It was the only response that left her mouth.

Nobody but Christian and Nathaniel noticed Ashton walking towards there. His eyes were blank. His face were expressionless. His whole dimanuer was stiff. He didn't looked at anybody and sat at his place calmly. But he did noticed the slight flinch that Natasha gave away when she saw him coming in.

His mood instantly turned sour after seeing that. But he acted like that it didn't affected him. Both Nathaniel and Christian noticed the flinch too.
Every one decided stay silent and have their breakfast. Natasha was uncomfortable for the least. She wanted to get out of there. From time to time Natasha decided to peak at Ashton' stiff figure. But she stopped it once Ashton saw what she was doing. He caught her red handed and Natasha kept her eyes down after that.

After finishing his breakfast, Ashton picked up his plate and walked to the kitchen. After that without a word he left. Both Jacob, Colton and Natasha's shoulders slumped down after he left.

"Does he hate me?" Natasha whispered sadly to no one.

All the brother that was there felt a pain in their heart after hearing it.

"No. He just missed you." Nathan gently said to Natasha. To bring her mood happy, Jacob decided to interrupt the moment.

"So... who wants to go outside."
After hearing that Natasha's mood changed faster than electricity. She suddenly jumped up and walked to him. Jacob was surprised at her actions. She was warming up to them faster.

They didn't let Natasha go outside before covering her with a snow coat and many scarfs around her. She wriggled to get out of them but a stern look from Colton stopped her.
Once she stepped outside she transferred in to a wonderland.

Four brothers were looking at her full of love. They watched as she grabbed snow in her hands and started shaping it to a snow man. Jacob sneaked behind her dropped a handful of snow in her head and it started a snow fight between them. All the brothers were looking at her happily. Even Ashton. Nathaniel noticed Ashton looking out the window at Natasha. Nathaniel was concerned about Ashton. He distanced himself from them at the age of ten. Before that he was distanced too, but after he got to know about Natasha, Ashton started to hate his brothers. Nathaniel knew keeping secrets creates conflicts between family members. But telling him about her wasn't his choice. It was their fathers.


We Sri Lankan have met the third wave of corona now. So we're again locked up in our houses.
So these days I'm spending time playing with my dog Rocky.

 So these days I'm spending time playing with my dog Rocky

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