26: Dominance

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***Warning, violence, gore***

Stalemate. Neither of us moved. It was dead silent as if everyone was holding their breathes to see who would make the first move. Neither of us did because we are to pride full and stubborn. Now that I know Natalie and my mother are safe I can stand here all day.

Yet, that did not seem to be the case. A frantic message came through my mind link.

'Alpha, it seems the escort has been ambushed and they have the Queen,' a warrior comes through.

My blood boils.

'I told you to make sure the escort was secured and had the best warriors,' I snarl.

'This is not our fault, it seems they has placed someone into the pack as a spy and orchestrated this whole attack.'

She was a smart bitch. Planning this entire attack and placing someone into the pack to make this play out in her favor.

'And my mother?'

'They left her be. It seems they only want the Queen.'

Oh, now I am definitely going to kill this witch. A deliberate attack on me and the monarchy. She knows what she is doing, but she does not know the consequences and I will not hesitate to kill her. To have blood shed on my territory, I will not hesitate if it is all in the name of protecting Natalie.

Sophia grins when a couple of warriors practically drag Natalie to her feet. I catch a glance of her and she is staring at me. When we make eye contact she grins and winks. Oh, this women. She does not stand down in the face of violence. Knowing my mate she is going to want to tear this women to bits. Not gonna lie, I'd love to see this.

Natalie is literally going to be the death of me and she is proud of that fact.

They throw Natalie to Sophia's feet where she looks down upon her a grins sinisterly.

"I have your Queen. You have nothing now! One step out of place and I will not hesitate to rip her throat out," Sophia announces.

"You've won, I have nothing."

She laughs. "Face it, I have a leverage over you. I have the advantage, I have the Queen and you will do whatever I say to keep her safe."

"What do you want?"


"No can do."

"Then she dies."

When those words spill from her mouth the entire pack link goes eerie silence until a sudden wave of anxiety and anger crashes like a wave. I cannot lie, even though I know my mate very well and can tell she is planning something. I am still worried. I am proud of my pack though. She hasn't been formally introduced as the Queen and Luna, yet the acknowledge her as such. All willingly to lay down their lives to protect their Luna. All stand in position and ready to lay down their lives for protecting the Luna and the pack they love.

The silence of the battlefield was disturbed by a strong gust of wind. It wasn't wind though, it was so powerful many lost their footings and I was left in the front bracing, feeling the wind smack my hair around. Once it blew over we all looked up to see two female wolves facing off. Sophia's wolf was a standard grey wolf with black highlights. Yet, this was the first time I was seeing Natalie's wolf. She too was a standard grey wolf but it wasn't a lighter grey with random patches of white. Her wolf carried the same green eye trait but with flecks of silver. Her front paws were white and her back legs were too, but they went up like high socks.

A snarl is heard, but I was unsure who it came from since they were standing facing one another and Natalie had her back to us. Basically blocking my view of this exchange. A power surge could be felt through the pack. This is the first time she is shifting on her mate's territory, royal territory. Her wolf knows her place and is defending her pack as the Queen. Taking what is rightfully hers, the dominance and power that comes with being the werewolf Queen.

Then the circling starts the swooshing of their tails and the stomp of their feet. Sophia thinks Natalie is weak so she will use that to her advantage. The element of surprise is on our side. She thinks she is as weak as Desmond played her to be, but that is wrong. Marked or not an Alpha Female wolf always knows her position and will not be questioned, especially if it is the Queen.

Sophia is the first to make a move in which she advances, charging at Natalie who is unfazed and doesn't even flinch. Snout to snout they stare at one another, one content and the other full of anger. She seemed to get tired of this game and pounced on top of Natalie, pinning her under her. She now reveals her canines to her attacker, dodging or counter attacking every blow she tries to make.

What the fuck is she doing! She is going to get herself killed!

Snarls are heard from both females as the rest of us sit and watch. What else are we supposed to do? We are in shock from such an advance. Yet, her pack kept making comments about Natalie and what a leader she is.

Natalie's legs push up on her stomach and launch her backwards. She lands with a thud on her back and rolls onto her side a slides down the hill. While her pack advances to watch this exchange, my pack backs up to give them space. She licks her lips as she strolls down the hill. Not a concern in the world, she has the high ground. Confidence in each step as she now hovers above her opponent.

Her top lip reveals her entire set of teeth before they disappear and sink into Sophia's neck. When they come back into site they are covered and dripping in blood. Sophia lays on her side, bleeding out through her neck. Both packs stand in absolute shock. Desmond's warriors fall to their knees, shaking. My pack kneels in a different way, acknowledgment of their Alpha Female.


Hello! Two updates in the span of two days! Look at me go! Lol!

I hope everyone is having a good week from the last time I updated. I don't really have much to update on (lol), since I just updates! Besides the fact that I am dog sitting on Saturday.

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful rest of your week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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