9: An Old Flame

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The week after the first date was different, all a sudden I had some of the best warriors surrounding the town house and paparazzi was being restrained out front. Jerking the curtains shut I got ready for the day. Glancing at my phone I saw I had a few notifications a few being messages and another being a news report. I assumed it was a report on Maxwell and I's date. After I showered I went downstairs for breakfast, seeing Rowan already busy in the kitchen.

"Should we feed them," Rowan asks.

"Ask them if they are hungry," I tell.

"There is also a Lieutenant here overseeing them."

In all honesty I could easily watch over myself, simply shut the shades and make sure everything is locked and don't leave. Simple. The sad thing is, it isn't that simple, these people are crazy to be the first ones with a report to their bosses about me. Wanting to be the first news outlet with information on the women their Alpha is dating. Which, if I do recall correctly, when I started dating Desmond this didn't happen. We didn't have to sneak around or station guards around my home. Which now that I think about it, it is odd this whole predicament.

"Don't you find this odd," I say aloud.

"What is odd," Rowan asks.

"When I dated Desmond we didn't have to this many precautions."

Rowan stops and thinks. "You are right, it is weird. Don't worry about it too much, though. He is a very powerful and popular Alpha so of course people would want to know."

Maxwell is much more popular and powerful than Desmond. Maxwell is on the same Royal Council for the King, but he is higher in ranks. He is the right hand man and closest adviser to the King. Though, no one knows who the King is, it is top secret and everyone who is close to him or on the council must swear an oath. An oath to never disclose who the Alpha King is for his protection and privacy.

Halfway through breakfast there is a knock on the door and Rowan gets up to see who it is. When she opens there was a slightly shocked gasp, she looks through the rooms as pale as a ghost.

"Who is it," I mouth to her.

She moves aside revealing a man I wish I'd never see again, Desmond.

I almost spit out my food when I saw him striding through the rooms and into the eat in kitchen. He sat down and made himself cozy on one of the couches. I wanted to burst out and yell and lash out at this man. Who does he think he is? Coming into my home without any notice and after all he out me though. Not to mention the rumors flying around about me.

"How have you been, darling," Desmond asks.

Darling, the nickname that use to make me swoon and make weak at the knees, now it holds nothing but a bad taste in my mouth.

"I was doing fine till you came here unannounced and unwanted," I bark.

"Wow, babe, you really got an attitude since I rejected you."

Rejected, the pain simmers, no. You are fine, you have Maxwell. That pain is in the past and it will remain there. 

"I've always had this attitude, you just haven't seen it at full swing."

"Listen, I've seen the rumors of you with Maxwell, I am going to warn you. He is trouble, he is untrustworthy and manipulative. He isn't right for you, how about you give me one more chance, we can be the ultimate power couple."

"Interesting, all a sudden you want me back. Why? Is it because my rank will be higher, therefore my powerful than you?"


"Yes, because you would never take someone back of you didn't feel threatened by their power. are you scared of my power? I'll have more of a say than you will? I'll have a title more powerful than yours?"

"You do! Your fucking uncle died last night! Your father is Alpha now! And Maxwell, he is the Alpha King!"

My uncle use to sit on the council, so that means my father will now and Maxwell is King. So I have two very powerful people in my life that influence my power and role in the community.

"Is this why? I have my father on the council, giving me a title and my mate is King, making me Queen. You must be very scared."

"That isn't it!"

"Or do you want me back so you can gain another title since my father is now a member?"

"No! I am alone! My true mate left me!"

"What a shame, so you think I will leave mine for a lowlife like yourself?"

This was truly a sad, but entertaining scene to be witnessing. This man who rejected coming back and begging on his knees for my forgiveness and to take him back. Why would I leave my true mate for this man? One who is actually caring for me and loving me when Desmond spoke down to me and belittled me. Not to mention doing it doing dinners and pack meetings, he enjoyed embarrassing me. Now, he has someone to fear. He has my wrath to fear since I am now his Queen, he knows Maxwell or I won't show him mercy.

"Wait till your King hears about what went down here today. He won't be very happy to hear you were harassing the Queen. The power driven pig you are."

His eyes widen. "No! Don't!"

He always told me he didn't fear nothing or man. I believe I have found his fear and I will be using that to my advantage.

"Is someone afraid of his King?"

He does't answer instead searches the room.

"You want me back all a sudden because my title has risen not only to daughter of a council member, but Queen!"

I am not stupid, that was the very reason he rejected me. I held no title therefore I was unimportant and unwanted. I held no reason for him to keep me around because I didn't bring an alliance. I didn't have a pack or army at my beck and call, therefore a waste. It is interesting looking at the two mates I've had. One valuing me for my title and if I had an army at my call. And then there is Maxwell who didn't see me for that. Desmond has screwed up and he is now realizing that.

"I'll be having a chat with my mate, you better hope he shows you mercy." I smirk, "especially since you have disclosed who the king is."

In all honesty I needed to have a talk with him too about this. I needed to know what is going to change in my life. What is going to become of our relationship now? I understand now why he was being so secretive about everything or shady when I mentioned the king.


Sorry this chapter is late! It has been pretty crazy over here lately. The day I was going update we had to go out looking for my grandfather, who was recently diagnosed with dementia. Luckily we found him.

In other news my Alopecia has cleared up so I won't be having to get shots in my head anymore to help my hair grow back.

Besides all that, my family and I have recently rescued a chinchilla. He was kept in a dark basement only interaction he got was during feeding time. He didn't know what a dust bath or a cooling slab was till we gave it to him. We don't know his age since they couldn't tell us. We have named him Loki, because ever since he's gotten here he has showed his personality. He is very sweet, but mischievous at times.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen Of Beans

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