32: The Morning After

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***Warning, mention of sexual acts***

The blinding morning light rays come in through our bedroom window. A muscular arm was thrown over my bare waist. His chest was pressed against my back and I could feel his steady breathing as he slept. Rolling over, I face my mate admiring his beauty in his sleep. His hair was unbrushed and in his face. I pushed it aside and started to trace his fine jaw line and down to his chest.

Momentarily I saw I smirk grace his lips before he bear hugged me, causing me to squeal.

"Good morning, my Queen," he murmurs, his voice still heavy from sleep.

"Good morning, my King," I respond, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Pulling back he gets a good look at me, caressing my check. "How are you feeling?"


He nods. "Are you sore?"

I roll my eyes. "Obviously."

"I wasn't too rough, right? I couldn't seem to help myself."

I chuckle, "I could tell."

He smiles softly and kisses my forehead. "My Queen, I have some business to attend to, so somethings will have to wait."

I prob myself up on my elbow. "I understand."

"Thank you. Stay in bed until I return. I shouldn't be long then we can spend the rest of the day together until tonight's festivities."

"I'll be here."

He gets out of bed and kisses the back of my hand before heading into the bathroom.


Natalie's arms wrap tightly around my neck moaning. Her head thrown back in absolute pleasure and bliss.

I couldn't help myself as my wolf tried to surface making a growl rip through my throat. Possessiveness surged through him as we claimed our female. By Goddess though did he want to take over and make our female scream our name until her throat was raw.

Another growl leaves my lips when I feel her nails sink into my back as my pace quickened. The bed creaking under us with my pace. Her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she cries out in pleasure.

My eyes snap open when I feel a hand caressing my face and I couldn't help but smile seeing who it was. Natalie was already awake. My Goddess was she beautiful. Only if we could continue from last night, but sadly I had to go down to the cells and interrogate the prisoner. I didn't want to leave her, I'd much rather spend the rest of my morning in her arms.

I hated when I willingly left the warmth of our bed and went to the shower. Letting the cold water beat down on my, suppressing my thoughts. That is the last thing I needed while interrogating a prisoner is to have my mate's body on my mind.

Once I was dressed I left our room quietly since it seemed like Natalie was alright fast asleep again.

Ryder waited patiently in the foyer for me.

"Good morning, your majesty," he greets.

"Good morning, Beta Ryder," I respond.

"I am surprised to already see you this early. I was expecting to see you make an appearance around noon."

I sigh. "I just want to get this done and over with."

"Fair enough. I'm sure you want to return to the Queen as soon as possible."

"And as quick as possible. When I get home you won't see us emerge until tonight's festivities."

"So I assume everything went smooth last night?"

I nod. "Yes last night went according to plan, but I wouldn't say smoothly. I'd say roughly." I smirk.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "Your majesty, please spare me the details. I do not need to hear that."

"Will do, but I won't be sparing details on how I will lay into this lone wolf."

"I didn't expect you to."

We walk down to the cells that are kept under ground where most of the prisoners are. Many Alpha's do this so the prison doesn't take up room. A guard shows me to the cell where he is being held. He wasn't chained but he was beat up and sitting on the bed hanging from the wall. Slowly, his head rises and his eyes meet mine and he tries to laughs.

"And what is so funny," I ask.

"You," he coughs. "You think you're so intimidating and is going to be able to get the information you want out of me."

"And who says I won't?"

"Me, clearly you don't know what information I hold. I may not hold any. Therefore you won't get what you are seeking out of me."

I couldn't help the annoyed snarl that came out of my mouth.

"So intimidating, the Alpha King isn't getting what he wants. A true pity," he fakes a pity tone and a pout.

At that moment I couldn't help it and I slammed his head into the concrete wall behind him. Rage filled me.

"I'll tell you this, your majesty. Desmond will get what he wants and that will be the throne and your female."

My canines extend. "He will be doing no such thing. I'll kill him and you. I am not afraid of a challenge but you do not bring my mate into this."

"Sensitive topic?"

"No, more like a resilient one. She's a strong female who would also be able to break your Alpha in half. Oh wait, he's not your Alpha anymore. He's a prisoner of the Royal Crested pack."

He'll be lucky if I allow him to live to see his Alpha's challenge. Yet, I will because I want to prove him wrong. Yes my pride is getting in the way, but I'll gladly do it for my mate.


Good evening! Last week I was unable to update as it was a hectic week! But I am back on schedule and hopefully will get another out this upcoming week. I have one month of spring semester left!

This is a bit of spoiler but who would you like to see first for my next book? Their son or their daughter's story?

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

The Alpha's To Mark✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя