43: Epilogue

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|Prince Theo|

At the age of eighteen my father started to train me to become the next Alpha King. The training was extensive and grueling. I shifted early as well in which only made it worse since he could also train my wolf just as much. As my wolf didn't mind it, I did. My friends always wanted to hang out, but I was always busy training. Personally I think they wanted to hang out because Rosabella, my little sister. Who is sixteen, but looks much older and obviously is beautiful.

Rosabella reminds me much of my mother, but has my father's blond hair. She has the soft kind eyes my mother has and just as kind personality. Yet, she is very soft spoken and would rather be in her room reading or beside my mother than out training. Lucky for her father doesn't think she is ready. He is quite worried about her since at the age she is at her wolf she at least be surfacing. No, she isn't Rose has told me she is sure she hasn't even awoken yet. That there has been no communication between them and that she is scared she doesn't have one.

As grandma always said, those who have beasts who are hidden below the surface and have yet to show themselves are usually the strongest and command the most authority. Therefore many will fear them for they are powerful creatures who are not be questioned.

Yet, for my little sister I can not see that in her. For anything she is as fragile as a piece of glass, she is our princess and the entire family has this urge to protect her. She can't do anything on her own, everyone is always wanting to assist her. They pity her for her situation in which I know for a fact she does not want pity. For anything she wants us and assistance in waking her wolf.

If the issue is that she doesn't have a wolf, she'd be the first member in the royal family in awhile not to have one. She is scared to be different. She fears rejection. Rejection of her people. Rejection from her own wolf. Rejection from her family. She is scared what may happen if she doesn't awaken soon. It doesn't help the horror stories people have told her of what may happen. Father has made it clear none of that will happen and they'll love her the same with or without a wolf. Sadly, he can not guaranteed what the royal council will do with her as she is seen as a threat to the royal bloodline if she is to reproduce. Just in general they see not having a wolf as a threat, stupid if you ask me.

As for myself, I am of age to find my mate, but many don't find theirs right away. Twenty one is usually when everyone finds them. I expect and hope for the same.

"Theo," Griffin barks.

"What," I snarl.

I am being trained with the palace guards, Griffin is a freshman. Yes, I am being trained with the newcomers. Father put me here since I only have experienced training with him and do not have formal training, so here I am. Starting at the bottom like everyone else.

"Your father wants you," he tells.

I sigh and push myself up off the ground.

Griffin is a good friend of mine and is an aspiring head of the royal guard. His father is Alpha Vincent. Yes, his father is the one we put in place of Desmond. Yet, he isn't going to be Alpha. He is the second oldest of four males. His oldest brother will be Alpha.

When I enter the palace Mom and Rose are chatting as the walk down the corridor. Mom smiles softly and approaches Rose not far behind.

"What does father need," I ask.

"Your first meeting with the council as crowned prince is about to start. I'll meet you there I just have to finish this lesson with Rose."

"Will she be in attendance?"

Mom shakes her head. "You know what those male think of her."

I shake my head in disgust. "I can not wait until I am King to chose my council, all those old pieces of shit don't know who they are talking down to. She is still their Princess and they have no right to disrespect her. Wolf or not, she still has the royal blood in her veins which demands respect."

Rose smiles softly and rubs my shoulder. "It is okay, Theo, really."

"No it isn't. How the fuck do they get away with disrespecting and degrading a Princess?"

Ah, yes. My sister is shy around new people so they don't see her fit to represent our people, they find her a disgrace. Mother and I are determined to fix that. She is timid because she is afraid of such rejection and scared her wolf won't awaken. Mom is working on it and taking baby steps.

The life of a Royal family member is never a walk in the park.


Hello everyone! Thank you for sticking with me during this 2 year journey! I want to thank all of you for be the greatest readers! This is my first completed book on here and it has been quite the journey from it being with the original version and then being rewritten into what it is today! I am very happy with this outcome and couldn't be more thankful for the support along the way.

I found genuine happiness with the comments, they made my day and made me smile. I genuinely thought this book wouldn't get this many views, but I was proven wrong. This not only gave me confidence in my work, but inspired me to continue the story with two sequels.

The Prince and the Rogue is Theo's story which can be found on my profile, the first three chapters are up! Rosabella's will come at a later date! I have other stories I'd love to publish, but I don't think I can juggle two stories, college, and work at once.

So thank you guys again!

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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