41: Peace

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Although Max had woken up a few weeks ago, he still needs to recover and regain his strength. Although he was released from the hospital, he needs to complete physical therapy. Until then I'll be still acting as Alpha. Yet, it'll be a little different as he is awake and can help in the decision making and give me pointers. Unlike when he was asleep I was making decisions on my mind and completely unsure of the effects. But, he can tell me what he wants done and I'll just have to do the work. This makes me feel a little better as he obviously knows what is best for the pack.

As for me, I was half way through my pregnancy and I couldn't wait to get this pup out. Literally this is the worst experience of my life. A lot of women say they feel their best during their pregnancy, yeah trying carrying an Alpha male who also has royal blood coursing through their veins.

We found out a few days ago it was a boy. Max couldn't be more excited, although he expressed he was a little disappointed it wasn't a girl. There is always next time he kept saying, goddess he wants more?

I hear the front door unlock and it open before Maxwell announces his presences, "I am home, my Queen."

I laugh, "you are quite energetic today."

He nods with a smile before finding me in the kitchen, his arms wrap around my stomach and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Yes, I have completed my physical therapy and can return to work. You may relax now until the pup is born. You are going to need it."

"Thanks for the permission," I tease.

He nods again with a goofy smile present on his lips. "Anything for you," he coos. "Anyways, since I can return to my duty as King, I requested the new Alpha of Desmond's pack to visit so that we may meet him and get to know him."

"When will he be here?"


"When is soon?"

He looks at his watch. "About two hours or so."

Seriously, he couldn't have told me sooner?


Max and the council decided to talk to the new Alpha over a lunch. This was seen as the best choice as he was to be seen as one on the council, so a meeting in the throne room was seen as intimidating. A lunch was seen as formal and friendly to talk and get to know our new member. As for myself, I wanted to sleep and I could care less about this lunch, but as the Queen I had to be in attendance.

Thankfully I didn't look like I was as far along as I was, so I could dress in one of my nicer gowns.

"My love, he just arrived. Are you ready," Max asks, poking his head into our closet.

I nod. "Almost, I don't know if I should wear a tiara. Is that too much?"

He shakes his head and places his crown on his head before disappearing and reappearing with a case. Opening it, it reveals a gold tiara adorned with diamonds and opal with matching earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.

"Obviously you do not need to wear everything, but my father gifted my mother this set when she gave birth to me. I only see this fitting as you are carrying our pup. She wanted you to have it as it's been passed down to every Queen once she is carrying their first pup."

"Thank you," I murmur, admiring the jewels.

"May I," he asks, raising the tiara out of the case.

I nod and bow my head feeling him set it in place. He motions for me to turn around and I watch in the mirror as the necklace come over my head.

"He has made his way to the mansion, we have to greet him," he tells and pecks my cheek.

In the foyer we greeted the Alpha. Alpha Vincent came from Alpha blood, he was after all the brother of Alpha Finn. Alpha Finn is an ally of ours and is also a neighboring pack. We only saw it fitting that a male who has Alpha blood and has trained to be an Alpha his whole life to step in. Nominating one seemed risky as anyone could run and we could've ended up with another Desmond. He simply went before the council in which he was examined and eventually approved.

"Your majesties," Alpha Vincent greets with the bow of his head.

"Alpha," we respond with a similar gesture.

"I believe my thanks and congratulations are in order."

"Nonsense, there is no need to thank us," I tell.

"Okay, then my congratulations are in order for the awaiting motherhood and the journey of raising family."

"Thank you," Maxwell tells. "Now, will you please follow us to the dining hall where we will discuss the new agreements."

He nods. "Lead the way, my King."

And so started our three hour long meeting asking various questions. Everyone had to be involved as he was a new Alpha and he was to be a member of the council as well. This being stated the council was heavily involved in this meeting, while I only asked a few questions. I didn't think my input was really that needed. I had no clue what to ask, I wasn't raised to think like an Alpha. I only needed to make sure he was true to his word and how many wolves left his pack. The issue with either relocating or becoming rogue.


Hello everyone! There is one more chapter and the epilogue left! As sad as it is for the story come to an end, I am excited for the other ones down the road. Also, this is my first completed book!

I have two and half weeks until my class is over, which feels like a long time away, but really isn't. I am going to try and get their son's third chapter up tomorrow as I get my second COVID shot on Wednesday and my birthday is on the 4th!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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