21: Conflict

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I want him dead. I want this whole pack to be wiped off the face of this earth. I don't want to kill the members, I just want the existence of the pack gone. Relocate the members or place a new alpha there. I can't take this pack anymore. The leaders have shown they are unfit to run a pack. They have shown how unstable they are and have gone to great lengths to prove it. I will gladly order packs to take in these members so they don't go rogue.

If I potentially decide to place an alpha there I need to find one. Some alpha's have more than one son, so hopefully one of them will step up the plate. Also, I have seen males who don't have alpha blood in their veins step up a take control. You see sometimes our wolves realize the position they are put into and adapt. Yet, I want to see if there is any alpha sons available because they already have the experience and reflexes.

After exiting the cells I pace the length of my office ten fold. Stress was an understatement of how I was feeling. My hair was tossed all around and knots were starting to form in my short length hair. While I stressed over the situation at hand Natalie sat in an arm charm pondering. She seemed intrigued by the fire as she started off, completely lost to her thoughts.

"Nat," I call.

She leans her head back and hums in response.

"Do you have any ideas on how we should deal with this? We have a war on our hands now!"

"We haven't gotten a declaration of war yet, so we are in the clear as of now. We can take this time to prepare."

"There is no alpha there to relaxer war! He probably linked the pack to come attack with no declaration of war."

"Didn't the scientist inject them with wolves bane or something? Maybe he didn't get the announcement out?"

"I highly doubt that. He probably sent one out when my boarder patrol caught him. I know they are coming I just don't know when. This pack is insane. They won't hesitate to attack or listen to their mental alpha."

She stands from the chair and wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest. "Just calm down, everything will work out in the end. Okay?"

"But how do you know? We really need to do something about this pack."

"I know. I have seen the list the council and you put together. Replacing the alpha or relocate pack members into new packs. Both seem risky. What if they don't accept the new alpha or they have a hard time getting use to their new lives? What if they don't get comfortable in their new homes?"

"Then they can happily make a life as a rogue. These are the only choices I have come up with. Obviously we can't keep the same alpha's in power. We already have one war on our hands and we don't need another."

I sigh and bury my face in her neck.

"I think we should leave it up to the pack members. We shouldn't be the ones making this decision. It's their lives and their pack so they should choose the fate."

"You see we should do that, but they are all so brainwashed in that pack they'd rather go to war and become rogues than decide from those two options."

My Luna only chuckles at my irritation.

"Why does our kind need to be so loyal to their alpha?"

"Because, my love, it's our genetic coding." She pats my head, "now tell me, how is this planning going?"

"Fine, I guess."

I sit down and pull her back onto my lap, gently guiding her head to lay on my chest. My fingers intertwining with her dark hair.

"The council and I have decided we will do all the ceremonies first as you know and they proceeded with the execution of the two males. From there we should live a peaceful live."

"After the war."

I sigh, "yes, after the war."

This has been one of the hardest decisions in my life. I don't want to face this alpha or eventually be in battle with his pack. I want to be home curled up in bed with my hopefully pregnant mate. I don't want any problems, but sadly being alpha king comes with its problems. This is one of them, another male wanting the king's mate. This is common but it is never taken this far, never in the history of my family has this happened. Hey, there is a first for everything though.

I don't know what will happen to me in this battle. My mind only goes to the worst fate and it's dark. I don't like when my mind goes to that dark place. Not only is my fate dark, but my Queen's fate is dark too. I can only visualize her fearful face fleeing the pack territory with a precious bundle in her arms, while the new army is hot on her trial. I pray to the goddess this isn't how she set our fates and we have a completely different outcome from what I have pictured.

Sadly we'll just to wait to see as there is no way to decide an undecided future.


Hey! Behold this update! I'm excited to announce I start college on the first of September. Also, I am starting my job in September (hopefully). Sorry for this long await update as my life has only been going down hill since the last update. Family problems (fun). I have motivation to write again as I have saved enough and I'm planning to buy the new MacBook Pro when it's released.

In other news my sweet guinea pig has an infection in his digestive system, his state is improve as he has gotten his attitude back.

I hope you all enjoyed this update and have a wonderful week.

Stay safe!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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