42: Theo

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I recovered, but slower than usual. The doctors told me this would happen as there was poison in my blood stream. This meant not only did my body have to heal on the outside, it had to heal on the inside as well. Although I was given the antidote, my body was about to shut down in some spots so those systems had to slowly recover. Which is a lot for someone, even an Alpha to take on and heal. So, I am healthy enough to take over my duties again and allow Natalie time to rest until the pup is born.

For the time being the pup will sleep in our room, because we have the palace being cleaned. Natalie and I talked about this a few days ago that it would be a good idea to raise our pups here. This is for the safety of our family and pup, as the media is getting our of hand in the past few days. My wolf and I see it as a threat and move out of the capital to the palace that is deeper within the pack is the best option. Natalie agreed so within a week of the pup being born we are relocating there. I am handling everything with the move to the palace being livable for us.

In which I was actually in the processing of doing right now, I have a few highly recommend and respected decorators and architects at my disposal who are working on this project.

"Can you like child proof the palace," I ask the women.

She chuckles and shakes her head, "of course, it won't be difficult."

"You have verified that the pup's nursery will be the room next to ours, right?"

She nods.

"Can you put a door leading into it? I would feel much better if we only had access. Of course as he gets older he'll be in a different room, but I feel like it'd be safer."

"And what about the door in the hallway?"

"I'll lock it."

"Your majesty, that is a fire hazard."

"I am aware, but this is for the safety of my son. I am a bit skeptical of where some member's alliance is."

"I see."

Without any notice I start to experiencing hot and blinding pain.

"Alpha," the architect calls out.

I take in a deep breath trying to steady myself, as this isn't my pain and I need to get to Natalie as fast as possible. She could be in danger or giving birth. After suppressing the pain and being able to stand, I dart out not saying another word.

"Where is the Queen," I call to a passerby.

"She hasn't left the bedroom all day, your majesty," they tell.

Without another word my wolf takes the reins and gets us to our bedroom where Natalie is struggling in the bed.

"Mate," he barks out.

"Thank Goddess you are here, I think I am giving birth," Natalie huffs out.


"I need to pack a bag for overnight and the outfit for the pup to come home in."

"No, you need to get to the hospital," he barks. "Max will pack your bag later and come back with it. Now, you need to get to the hospital for assistance."


"Do not fight me on this." He scoops up Natalie and rushes to hospital, along the way he hands control back over to me.

The doctors and nurses seem to know what was going on right away and wheeled out a wheelchair and directed for everyone to get out of the way. I followed behind them not wanting to get in their way. They went into a private section of the hospital which was then guarded by some of the best warriors once we were all inside.

Natalie is instructed to change into a hospital night gown. She is then assisted onto the bed and they work quickly to attack her IV and heart monitor. You'd think a father would want to assist with the birth, but I'd rather be helping Natalie through it.

"Has your water broke yet, your majesty," the doctor asks.

"Uh- I think," Natalie responds out of breath.

"Well, considering how far along you are, you most likely did a while ago."

She shots a glance at me. "Ya think?"

The doctor shakes his head. "I don't appreciate the sarcasm."

"I am a women in pain and about to give birth. Shut it."

"Sorry, your majesty. The pain medicine should be kicking in soon."

While the doctor and Natalie bickered, I sat beside her head and held her free hand in which she was already crushing my hand. She was crying out and screaming in pain, I literally felt horrible. I couldn't feel any of her pain though, but when I did it felt like a little bee sting.

While they kept instructing her and encouraging her, she kept on barking out cocky remarks. Very on point for Natalie as she just wanted the pup out of her.

"One more push, my Queen. We can see his head," the midwife encourages.

With one last push and crying out from the pain a cry, a baby's cry echoed through the room.

"Here he is. A healthy baby boy," the midwife presents him to us and lays him on Natalie's chest.

Both of us were in a trance staring at our son. His large eyes looking around the room in wonder and curiosity of his new surroundings.

"Hi," Natalie coos at him.

"He needs a name," I tell.

Natalie nods. "He does."

"I like Theodore."



Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience! My public speaking class is over and I have my drivers test on Monday (very nervous).

In other news if you've been keeping up with my announcements you'd see we've been having issues with my grandfather. He has very bad dementia and he keeps wondering away from the old age community he lives in. They are talking about moving him into assisted living for his own safety. We are moving him in the coming weeks.

Also, the epilogue should be up tomorrow or the following day!

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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