Rosabella Sneak Peak

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At the age of twenty-one my father decided the hold a ball in my honor for coming of age. In a way it was a debutant ball. He invited packs from all over the globe, some not even speaking English. He was doing this all in hopes of me finding my mate, but the problem is I didn't shift and eighteen and I still haven't. So I don't know how he thinks this is going to work, because if I even find my mate there will only be half a bond there. My mate will feel the bond and I won't.

My parents fear I don't have a wolf, but I can feel her asleep in the back of my mind. I have done all the exercises my doctor has told me to do in attempt to wake her, but nothing works. This is a dangerous situation as the royal council could vote and strip me of my titles if I do not shift soon. This is seen as unfit to represent the royal werewolf family since I don't have the wolf to represent. Yeah, I have the royal blood in my veins, but having a wolf is very important. Hence why I have a bodyguard since I can only protect myself to an extent. I wouldn't need a bodyguard if I could just shift and protect myself. Although I don't remember it when I was younger I was almost kidnapped by an intruder.

Anyways, back to my party which is today and I was so nervous. My stomach was doing flips and my heart was ponding. Was I scared? Yes. Was I nervous? Fuck yeah. I was nervous and excited as I could potentially meet my mate and make my family proud. Yet, I could not meet him and not only disappoint my family, but loss my title as princess. Which wouldn't look good to other world leaders seeing that as a potential flaw with the royal family's genes.

A light knock rattles my door and I open it to see my guard Griffin waiting and dressed for the occasion in his assigned uniform for such an occasion.

"I am almost ready, Griffin. I just need you help me with this zipper and I have to put on some jewelry and touch up my makeup," I tell.

He chuckles and I feel his gloved hand run up my back as the dress closes. I couldn't help but shiver. "Are you ever ready on time, Princess," Griffin asks.

"You should know the answer to that question by now," I tease playfully as I reapply my lipstick. "I have a question for you actually."

"Ask away."

"Do you have a mate? I mean I've never seen you with any other females besides myself."

He starts to choke, but quickly regathers himself. "Nope, I am devoted to you, my Princess."

"You see yourself doing this forever? What if you find a mate?"

"Then she'll have to understand how important my job is and get over it."

"But what if she gets jealous you are always hanging around with a princess twenty-four seven."

He shrugs. "Like I said, she'll have to get over it. My job is very important to me and guarding you is big deal. I love my job."

I grin. "Interesting. So would you reject her?"

"Now, I would not go that far. She would just have to understand how important my role here is. I can't just resign, you need someone to be by your side and just quitting is wrong and putting you in danger. If something were to happen to you when I quit, I'd be the one to blame for whatever happens. Besides I am three years older than you and I have yet to find her. Sometimes I think the Goddess forgot me."

I chuckle, "I feel the same with my whole wolf and not shifting situation."

He sighs before pushing himself up off my bed. "I believe we should be get going. Your father will be wondering why we are late."

"Ugh, I personally do not care for this party."

"I know, your highness, but I am your escort so hopefully that makes you more comfortable."

"It does, I just hate that my father is going to be passing me around to these males in hopes my wolf awakens. I certainly do not want to shift during this party. That'd be embarrassing."

"Why? I'd think it'd be a proud moment and it wouldn't be denied it happened either as there'd be spectators."

"You'd think the council would deny that I shifted?"

He shrugs. "Maybe. They are so set on you being the crowned princess, I wouldn't put it past them to try and pull such a stunt."

Of course. Why didn't I think of that. If I shifted during that party and at the hands of my maybe they wouldn't be able to deny that I shifted. They wouldn't be able to deny it since I would be shifting publicly with bystanders. Not every single bystander is going to lie for me, so it may be better that way.

Even if I shifted for them and before them, they would still try and deny it. That is just what the council is now, assholes. I could literally shift in front of their eyes and they'd still be in denial.

"It's just embarrassing. I heard it's awkward the first time you shift."

"It is. Your body doesn't know what to do, but everyone has been through it." Griffin offers his arm and continues, "let's get going. They are expecting us."

I nod and wrap my arm around his and we proceeded down the corridors until we are standing before the large wooden doors. The butlers open them and we enter and stand at the top of the large staircase.

"Now presenting her royal highness, The Princess Rosabella. With her escort the head of the Royal guard, Captain Griffin," the foot men bellows.

Here goes nothing.

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