24: Battle

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My wolf snarls and starts to pace as we head into battle not knowing where our mate is. Where the hell could she have gone? I mean obviously we didn't know this was going to happen today. I checked over her schedule today and she had nothing on it. She had no duties or places she had to be, so where could she have gone?

'Alpha, it appears that your mother is also missing,' my beta chimes through the link.

I let out a sigh, she is with my mother. Now I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I mean why didn't I think of that first. My mom is excited for me to have a mate and hopefully grand kids. Mostly to just have a female to talk to and bond with. She most likely took her out shopping for clothes for the ceremonies. She has been a big help in planning as we have no clue what we are doing. That is why we usually reach out to someone who has been through it for help.

'Find them and make sure they are secured in the bunker before Desmond's pack reaches the palace,' I order.

'Yes, your majesty. We have sent out a group of scout to find them.'

Natalie is literally going to be the death of me and she has no clue. I know I shouldn't be angry as she didn't know this would happen today, but my wolf can't help but pace. Pacing in anger and worry. Why doesn't she think and consult me before going places? I think that is what I was most angry about, she didn't tell me where she was going so I am angry about not knowing her whereabouts at a time like this.

My large black wolf advances with the rest of the top warriors, my beta, and gamma. I could smell the stink that is Desmond's pack warriors. We all stop in our tracks when a female emerges from the crowd.

"My name is Sophia and I am Desmond's true mate," Sophia announces. "My pack and I will spare your lives if you hand over my mate. If you do not there will be hell to pay and we will take the Queen forcefully."

Great, I think. They are threatening my mate while she is out in the world, unprotected. They can easily get to her before me as I do not know her whereabouts and she has zero protection. Yeah, she may have my mother, but what is one Alpha female going to do against so many warriors.

'Do not worry, Alpha,' A scout comes through. 'We have located the queen to be and she is being protected and escorted to the bunker along side your mother.'

'Wonderful,' I let out a sigh of relief. 'Where was she?'

'The mall with your mom.'

Of course, the mall. I should be relieved that she is with my mom she has the protection of herself and another Alpha female. Yet, I couldn't help feeling annoyed that neither of them told me. When I checked her schedule she was completely free today, so I guess this is more or less that I am shocked. Shocked because I thought she'd be home and safe, having quicker access to the bunker.

I should be happy though that my mother took her out. Ever since she became my mate and Queen-to-be she has felt stressed and disconnected with her friends. Luckily her father is always around due to his new position, so she isn't entirely isolating herself which I was worried about.

I focus my gaze upon Sophia before shifting and covering myself.

"Why are you here," I demand.

"I am here for my mate, idiot," Sophia responds arrogantly.

"Desmond told us you had rejected him."

She takes in a deep breath and rubs her temple. "I have had a change of heart."

"You mean you have had a change of agenda. Why all a sudden? Why didn't you step in when his title was stripped? Here we are in the battle field a week or so later."

"Because this is my rightful position."

"No, you can't fully take over without the mating and marking of your alpha male mate. You have authority and power but not the amount you do when you are alpha female. You crave the power and strength and that is why you are here now, reclaiming your position. Face it you never loved him, you want to mark and mate before he is killed so you have the authority."

She lets out a snarl and her eyes turn a dark color. I guess I hit a soft spot. "I have scouts out looking for your female and once she is found she'll be brought to me and have to face my wrath, unless my mate is freed."

I laugh, "my mate is secured in a secret and secure location, but nice try with the threats. I applaud you. Good luck."

"You think you have thought of everything," she snickers. "But you will eventually fuck up and I will there to destroy you."

"Oh, I'll be waiting. Until then please get off my territory or there will be blood shed and casualties on both sides."


Hello all! I am on winter break and I will try to update more now that I am free and have gotten my hands on a new laptop! I have been writing this all on my phone for the past few updates since my old computer died on me awhile back. I am excited to write on this computer and be able to update more! Look out for more updates and maybe a new book in the future.

Sorry about the long wait for this update!

Also, another reason I have been delaying updates are because writers block. I have up to chapter 33 planned out it is just writing it and having it go how I want. Sticking to the plan. And this lock down is really starting to hit. Being stuck inside is driving me a little crazy, but I do it for my mom as she has a preexisting condition.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday season!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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