Chapter 29: What am I?!

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I had a lot to think about these past couple days.

Since Constanze's confession, things on that front calmed down a little.

But I had other things on my mind.

Y/N: I-I'm getting concerned about these powers I have.

Finnelan: I understand your confusion Y/N. Your grades are impeccable for someone who has had no past experiences with magic.

I went to Professor Finnelan about it this time.

Mainly because she was the teacher of the history of magic, so maybe she would specialise in this kind of thing.

And also because I didn't want to keep interrupting the headmistress.

I know Professor Finnelan was busy as well, but I was just trying to get some varying opinions.

Finnelan: I'm sure we will be able to find something somewhere Y/N. But for now we can only assume. I understand this may not be enough for you, but it's the best I can say.

Y/N: I-I know. Th-thank you for your time Professor.

Finnelan: You are most welcome. And please do keep your studies up. I can see that you will be on par with Diana in no time.

Y/N: Th-thank you. B-but please, if you find anything, tell me.

Finnelan: Of course. Now run along, I have heard that Diana is worried about you.

She was?

I guess I have been acting a little weird lately.

But I just was afraid of myself.

I didn't know what I was capable of.

So I was acting extra cautious.

I leave the Professor's classroom and begin to head back to the dorm.

Diana POV

Hannah: Has anyone else noticed how weird Y/N has been acting?

Barbara: I mean he hasn't properly spoke to us since the other day. I hope he's ok!

I join in the conversation.

Diana: I'm sure he is fine. Remember he has had a very troubled time up until he came here. His emotional state is very delicate. All we have to do is be patient with him.

Barbara: You're right. But we all love him, so its kinda hard not to worry about him.

She was right.

I tried my hardest not to show it, but I was concerned at his recent shift in behaviour.

But as I said, all we have to do is give him sometime and some space and maybe soon he will open up to us.

The three of us were sitting in the dorm waiting for Y/N to come back.

The door soon opens and Y/N steps in and shuts the door.

Diana: Hi Y/N.

He looks at us and replies.

Y/N: Hello.

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon