Chapter 70: Ready For The Hunt

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Over the coming days, it proved to be challenging to complete what Constanze wanted to accomplish. Her designs were really complex and it was getting to the point where she didn't have the materials she needed.

At least not in her possession. She could buy them, but they would cost her a lot of money!

Y/N: Th-there's no way you have to pay that much! Th-that's insane?

She sighed and leaned back in her chair.

Y/N: W-we'll f-find a different way of acquiring the parts you need. There might be spares lying around in the school somewhere!

I guess I could ask Professor Croix if she had any spare parts, but I don't think that was a good idea.

After what Ursula and my Mum told me, I was getting more and more wary of her.

Y/N: I-I'm exhausted Conz...a-are you sure you no else can come and help? H-Having only two of us working on it is not making things better.

I had a pair of mechanical legs making their way towards me and turned around to see a newly reconstructed Stanbot stop in front of me.

Stanbot: We only trust you! You are the only one who understands how delicate all this equipment is.

Y/N: I'm sure Akko understands that as well. There's no need to shut her out! We need all the help we can get!

Stanbot: We are making sufficient progress!

I simply just nod my head. At this moment in time, I didn't want to get into any sort of debate.

I was tired...

Y/N: I-I'm going to bed Constanze. I-I see you again tomorrow.

Walking over to her, I pick her up off her seat and hug her gently. Her arms wrap around me as she kisses my cheek.

Y/N: I-I love you...

Putting her back in her chair, I quickly exit her workshop and back up into the green dorm.

Amanda and Jasminka were already fast asleep, so I just quickly gave them both a kiss on the head before leaving as quietly as I could.

Fatigue was quickly catching up with me and I really couldn't wait to get back and just lie down. Today had been especially long and full of work.

Once I finally made it back, the girls were all ready for bed and waiting for me to return.

Diana: Y/N! You're finally back! And you look exhausted!

Y/N: Y-yeah...t-today has just been really long...

I yawn loudly and trudge over and pick up my clothes. As quickly as I could, I completed my nighttime routine and came back out again.

Y/N: H-Hope I-I haven't kept you three waiting too long.

Hannah: Not at all!

Barbara: We would've waited as long as you took!

I'm sure that they would've fallen asleep if I had taken any longer because I'll be honest, I would've!

Y/N: A-Anyway, let's get to sleep now. Tomorrow will be just as jam packed...

Collapsing down on the bed, I close my eyes and feel the three girls give me a kiss as they lie down with me.

I fell asleep soon after.

When the next day came, I was up a bit later than I usually would be. The previous day really took a lot out of me.

Y/N: W-we're still n-no where near finished. O-or n-not no where near, but we still have so much to do.

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