Chapter 1: Outcast

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I was cold. I was hungry. And I was far away from home, if I can even call it home. My name is Y/N L/N and unlike most kids my age, I do not have a family. Well not any more anyway, they don't want me. They cast me aside, said I brought them too much shame. Those words dig into my heart like daggers. I never thought they would actually throw me out. I never did anything to them. I tried my hardest to impress them but always seemed to get it so wrong. I don't really have any friends and the rest of my family don't even know about how my parents treated me. I don't even think they care to be honest. I don't know where I am, I'm in some sort of forest somewhere far away from home. At least I was out of there, I didn't have to listen to them scream at me anymore. There's no where for me to go... I think I'm lost...I think....I think I'm going to die out here....

Holbrooke POV

Something felt different about the forest today as I was walked through it. I sensed the feeling of a lost soul crying out for help. As I continued walking the feeling became stronger. I think there is someone lost in here! I looked around a large area as I felt the feeling get stronger and stronger until my eyes landed upon a young boy aged around 16 who was huddled next to a tree. He was shivering and his clothes were in a bad state. It will be night soon so I have to act quickly. I called out to the young man.

Holbrooke: "Hello there."

He turned round quickly and looked at me with pure fear and dread in his eyes.


Holbrooke: "Hello there."

My head shot round as I see a small old lady standing there calling out to me. I was scared. On the inside I was happy that someone found me but all the memories clouded my mind and my eyes were filled with fear.

Holbrooke: "Don't worry young man. I'm not going to hurt you."

She said this with a kind tone in her voice. This put me at ease a little bit I was still frightened.

Holbrooke: "What are you doing in the woods? It's almost night time, your going to get cold if you stay out here."

I tried to say something but I was shivering too much and I couldn't get any words out.

Holbrooke: "Come with me into the warm and then you can tell me what you were doing out here."

I nod gently as I get up and cautiously follow this old lady. After a little while of walking we exit the forest as it got dark and n front of us was a grand building.

Holbrooke: "Well here we are. Welcome to the Luna Nova Witch Academy!"

A witch academy? I didn't think such things existed, but I guess you learn something new everyday. I continue to follow the old woman inside the building. The halls were massive, I was so taken aback by everything. Is this really happening? We eventually enter a room where the old lady sits at a desk and motions for me to sit in the other chair.

Holbrooke: "Please sit down."

I comply. She speaks to me again.

Holbrooke: "Sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Miranda Holbrooke, I am the headmistress of this school. And what is your name young man?"

I try to speak again, but this time I manage to the words out.

Y/N: "Y-Y/N L-L/N ma'am."

I was always very shy around new people, I never interacted with many people and no one really wanted to talk to me because of how shy I was. That's why I don't have many friends. Miss Holbrooke then smiles at me and then speaks again.

Holbrooke: "Well it is nice to meet you Y/N. Now can you please tell me what you were doing out there in the woods at this time? It is certainly not somewhere where you should be at night. So please tell me."

I start to tear up as memories start flooding back into my find. Terrible memories, scars engraved into my mind. Memories that would never leave my mind. The headmistress notices this and starts to get concerned.

Holbrooke: "O-oh I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to make you feel like this."

I look back at her with tears streaming down my face and a frightened look in my eyes.

Holbrooke POV

I have seen a lot of things in my life, but I have never seen anyone break down like this and have such a frightened look in their eyes. I try to calm him down.

Holbrooke: "H-hey it's ok your in a safe place. Whatever is frightening you can't get to you here I promise."

I walk over and place my hand on his shoulder. He eventually calms down and looks at me again.

Y/N: "I-I-I'm s-sorry."

He only just manages to get those words out.

Holbrooke: "You don't have to be sorry for something you can't control. Now please tell me, what happened to you. I want to be able to help you."

Y/N: "W-well... I-I was a-abandoned b-by my f-family. T-they said I-I was w-worthless a-and I brought s-shame to them."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why?! Why would they leave a child alone with but the clothes he is wearing? What kind of monsters could do that?! Now I knew I had to help him. Help him live the life he really deserves.

Holbrooke: "I-I am so sorry Y/N... I can't believe you've had to go through all this but I'm gonna help you through it ok?"

He nods his head. I then take action. This boy needs our help. He will learn magic here at Luna Nova and live a life he deserves.

Holbrooke: "Y/N. I would like you to stay here and learn magic at Luna Nova. I want to give you the chance to live the life that was so nearly taken from you. So, what do you say?"

To be continued

A/N: Wow another story! That's cool! Anyway hello everyone this is my first time trying a harem so bare with. Just need to get this bit out of the way then it will start to get interesting. I'm not sure how often this book will be updated as I am trying to focus on my other book at the moment. But when I get the time I will update this one. I could do it so I update one story then I update the other but we will have to see.

Lastly thanks to Reemaster2039021 for giving me advice on what I should do to get this started.

Well until next time, bye bye!

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