Chapter 71: The Wild Hunt

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Y/N: You sure you don't wanna come Diana? It might be fun!

The wild hunt would be starting quite soon and I was checking if anyone else was going to come with us.

At the moment, I was going with Amanda, Jasminka, Lotte, Sucy and Ursula. But that really seemed to be it.

Diana: U-umm, I-I'd love to my dear, b-but I'm a little busy at the moment.

Y/N: F-Fine. It's just you work really hard a-and y-you seem on edge today. I-is something on your mind?

She looks at me and opens her mouth to speak, but seemed to change her mind and shook her head.

Diana: N-no. Nothing you need to worry about!

I approached her and put my hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: Diana...

Diana: I-I'll talk to you about it when you return. J-Just go for now...

She gently kisses me on the cheek and walks away to her corner of the room.

Deciding it was best to listen to her, I take my broom and leave the room. The girls were already waiting for me at the front of the school.

Amanda: There he is! Couldn't get anyone else to come huh?

I shake my head.

Y/N: N-no one seemed to be interested. B-But D-Diana w-was acting really weird. L-Like she was hiding something from me.

Ursula: I'm sure she's fine Y/N. Diana is a very busy girl after all!

Y/N: I-I guess...

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Lotte smiling at me.

Y/N: A-Are we all ready to go then?

Ursula: Yes we are! We'd best get moving, the hunt will be starting very soon!

All of us take off and fly to the Leyline and Blytonbury beyond.

Lotte: We better watch out for Akko and Constanze! It'll be great to cheer them on!

Y/N: Oh you won't miss them! I-it'll be pretty obvious which ones they are when they join in!

It didn't take us long to get there, and soon we set down on the top of the hill overlooking where the ghosts would be.

Y/N: Th-there's a lot of people here. H-Have they come to watch as well?

Ursula: I don't see why. They wouldn't be able to see the hunt anyway! The ghosts only appear to magical beings.

Amanda: Apparently there was something going around, saying that something was going to happen here in Blytonbury.

Ursula: Really now?

Amanda nods and Ursula nods her head.

Y/N: Ursula?

Ursula: I wonder what it could be. Looks like we'll have to wait and see.

Taking a seat on the grass, I take a quick look around to see if maybe there would be anyone here that was working for my father.

Surely he would hear something like that and make sure to keep his eyes open for me.

There's no way he had given up.

Amanda: So, can you tell us about what their plan is Y/N? Constanze has been working really hard for so long.

Y/N: Sh-she's kept it a secret for so long. I-I don't want to be the one to tell you guys. I-it would be best to let you see for yourselves.

Everyone sat down around me and we all waited. Eventually the ghosts began to slowly appear.

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