Chapter 41: Back to the Movies

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A/N: Sorry about the wait... :P


Once again things were starting to settle down nicely again.

There was still the anxiety about at any moment I could be surprised by anything.

But other than that, everything was fine!

Lotte was starting to come out of her little shell a bit more and isn't too afraid to approach me when I'm with Diana and the others.

Slowly but surely I think the girls are starting to bind together in this group.

I only have to make sure that I can keep up with all of this.

Avery: Y/N?

Right now, I was spending a little time with Avery.

It's my attempt of trying to make time for all of these girls.

Y/N: Y-yeah? S-sorry if I zoned out there. I-I was just thinking is all.

Avery: That's ok then! That was actually gonna be my question!

She had her arms around me and shuffled a little closer.

Avery: You know, I really think you need to just take sometime and do nothing. I understand you're trying to learn all these new things about yourself and everything, but don't you think you just need a little time off?

Y/N: I-I d-don't know. Maybe I do. I just really want to know!

Avery: Yes but Hannah and Barbara have been telling me how much they are worried about you. You're stressing yourself out!

Normally I wouldn't agree, but here she was spot on.

I am getting stressed.

Y/N: W-what do you think I should do? T-to wind down.

Avery goes into thinking for a little while, but eventually clicks her fingers and turns to me.

Avery: I have an idea! How about on Saturday I can get Mary to dig out her movies again! She would really enjoy that! She's actually really missed you!

Y/N: R-Really? W-we haven't talked much.

Avery: Well yeah, but she really enjoyed that time when you came to watch that one time.

I really wanted to enjoy that time we had, but it was all overshadowed by the whole relationship incident.

I'm still having a hard time forgiving myself for just thinking so selfishly.

Y/N: Th-that sounds great! I'll definitely enjoy it!

Avery: Yay! It also means that I can be with you more!

I pull her closer and lean my head on her shoulder.

Y/N: Th-thanks for looking out for me!

Avery: You're very welcome Y/N~!

She begins to pepper my face with kisses as I delved into my thoughts again.

Y/N: How did we manage all this Y/N? We sure have been lucky! There has to be a way I can show these girls how grateful I am!

I was going to find that thing that I could do for them.

Saying thank you is not enough.

They deserve much more!


Avery POV

Avery: Oh hey Mary! You might wanna dig out that movie collection of yours again!

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora