Chapter 84: Acceptance

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We had been flying for a while and the snow was starting to really pick up, with a nice blanket now covering the ground.

Y/N: Akko's gonna be freezing...I hope she's okay.

Diana: I'm sure she is. She wouldn't have gone far. At least I hope so.

We fell silent after that and flew like this for a few more minutes. Until, I heard Diana gasp softly and watched her point down towards what looked to be a ruined abbey.

It didn't matter what it was, but what did matter was that sat on a bench all alone in the snow...

...was Akko.

Diana: Hold on! I'm bringing us down!

She brought us down really quickly and soon I felt my feet touch the ground. It was soft and the snow crunched under my feet.

Either Akko didn't hear us land, or she had just ignored us.

Y/N: Akko...

No response...she was just staring at the ground. I walked up to her with Diana at me side and placed a hand on her shoulder.

The look in her eyes said everything.

Lost...she looked lost...

Tears formed in her eyes and I quickly brought her into a hug. I didn't feel her arms around me but she just melted into it and buried her head in my chest.

Diana: Akko...come now. We should get her out of the cold. And give her something warm to drink. She's been sitting her for ages now...

I nodded and picked Akko out of her seated position, but she didn't want to move.

Y/N: Akko....

Now she grabbed onto me tight and I could hear her sob. I put my hand on the back of her head and gently stroked her hair.

It was doing good at calming her down and eventually she stood up on her own accord.

Akko: I-I'm sorry for running off...

Y/N: don't need to apologise...

Continuing to stroke her hair, her light sobbing eventually stopped altogether. I nodded at Diana who began walking away.

Slowly but surely me and Akko followed her and she removed her head from my chest and walked alongside me.

She was leant right up against me and didn't say a word. Diana slowed down to walk with us, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: W-we can go to the magic item cafe. I-I'm sure the others will meet us there eventually.

The two girls silently agreed.


Our walk through town was quick and we eventually made it to the Last Wednesday Society or Magic Item cafe.

It had many names!

Once inside, the guy who was always there quickly ushered us in and gave us hot cups of tea.

We sat at a table but still didn't say anything. Akko just stared into her cup, not wanting to look up.

I heard Diana take a long sip and then gently place the cup back on the table.

Diana: So is this the end then Akko? After all you have been through at Luna Nova. Are you going to give up now?

No response from Akko. Diana sighed and looked over at me before nodding her head. Encouraging me to chip in and say something to her.

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum