Chapter 48: What You Will

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When I opened my eyes I noticed that someone was missing. Hannah and Barbara were both still asleep on either side of me, but there was no Diana.

I sit up and look around to see that there was a light on in the corner of the room. Sure Diana liked to get up early, but wasn't this a little too early?

Trying not to wake the other two girls, I climb out of their grasp and make my way over to the light. I peek around the corner to see Diana sat down at the desk, reading.

It takes a few moments but she soon looks up and sees me standing there.

Diana: Y/N? Why are you up?

Y/N: I-I c-could ask you the same thing.

Diana: There was something that I needed to know. And I didn't mean to bother you if that's why you came over.

Y/N: N-no! Y-you weren't bothering me! I-I j-just thought this was slightly early. E-Even for you!

I yawn and rub my eyes. I hear Diana close the book and push the chair out. When I open my eyes again she was stood in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

Diana: Go back and rest.

Y/N: O-only i-if you come with me.

Diana: I will.

Y/N: Y-you won't. Diana y-you n-need to chill out sometimes. N-not get up so early and take some breaks! Y-you're gonna get burned out!

Diana: I have been studying like this for years! I'm used to it.

Y/N: C-come on! I-I know a part of y-you wants to t-take i-it easy.

Diana remains silent as I nod my head.

Y/N: O-ok I-I get it. I-I don't mean to get in your way. I-I'll go back to sleep.

I try to move away but Diana clings onto me tighter and puts her hand on my cheek.

Diana: S-sorry. I-I didn't mean to not respond! I-it's just, things have been changing. You came along and just before that, Akko joined the school and has something I never thought anyone could get.

Y/N: The Shiny Rod?

Diana: Yes. Or as it is properly called, the Claiomh Solais. Shiny Rod is the name that Chariot gave it.

Y/N: W-what's i-it all about?

Diana: It is said that the nine olde witches sealed something called the Grand Triskellion in the forest of Arcturus. In order to break this seal, you must speak the seven words and posses the Claiomh Solais.

She sighs and looks at me.

Diana: Akko definitely found it. It is the real thing. And it's more than just a show magicians wand, it's a key. The first time I saw it was at the memorial tree when she saved the Papiliodia. This was just before you arrived.

I nod my head but still didn't get it. I hear Diana giggle and I look at her.

Diana: I can tell everything I just said has gone straight through you!

Y/N: Y-yeah s-sort of. *yawn*

I yawn and shake my head.

Diana: You're right, it is too early. Come on let's go back to sleep again for a while.

I had actually taken all of that in. More questions now filled my head.

There was something else going on here.


Wangari: Extra! Extra! See the list of witches that will be attending the Samhein Festival right here! Extra!

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