Chapter 22: Pact of the dragon

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Akko: Sugar. Spice. And everything nice!

I was sitting in Professor Lukic's class watching what everyone was doing.

I was helping where I could, but not much help was needed as really it was a three person thing.

Akko was putting lots of different ingredients into the cauldron which eventually exploded in her face covering her in the mixture.

It had been a few days since Sucy's surprising confession and her and Akko seem to compete a lot with each other.

Hannah: How did someone like Akko get into this school?

Barbara: I know. Y/N is so much better than her already and he didn't have any knowledge of magic before starting.

I really loved those two, but I didn't like the way they looked down on Akko.

She was trying her best and even though she might not be that good, she still puts everything into her love for magic.

Diana: We should probably just focus on what we are doing. We don't want any distractions.

The other two turn back to the work as I kept on watching.

Akko seemed to be complaining that what Constanze was doing wasn't actually magic based.

Then Jasminka offered Akko some of the food she was eating. Akko then accused her of not taking it seriously.

Amanda then said something which caused an argument between her and Akko.

Y/N: Maybe I should go over there and stop them before-.

I couldn't finish my thought as the two started to push each other around and soon enough they tipped over a cauldron and caused an explosion. Everyone in the class was screaming as Diana took out her wand and cast a spell.

Diana: Scrylla!

Everything stops as the smoke clears.

Diana: Yera retoure!

The explosion reforms and shrinks as the cauldron is now on the table. Everyone looked in awe at Diana.

Diana: Could you please keep your pointless arguments to outside the classroom.

Amanda and Akko look at Diana with annoyed looks on their faces.

Amanda: Hey keep out of this Diana!

Akko: Yeah it's none of your business! Besides, I don't think Y/N would be very happy if we got into another argument.

Diana: Don't try and use him against me!

Hannah and Barbara stand beside Diana and a confrontation began until the Professor stopped it by threatening them.

Professor Lukic gave me the creeps. She was a stereotypical witch with the laugh that matched which sent shivers down my spine.

The door opened and in stepped Headmistress Holbrooke with Professor Ursula and Finnelan.

Finnelan: Just what is going on in here!

Everyone in the class pointed to the group of girls staring each other down.

Holbrooke: Mind telling us what happened.

Diana stepped forward and explained what happened. Akko was going to say something but looked at me and kept her mouth shut.

Finnelan: I see. Miss Kagari. Miss O'Neill. You will come with us!

The two looked down as they followed the three teachers out. I looked over and saw Professor Ursula flash a small smile at me as she walked out. I gave her a smile as the class returned to work.

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant