Chapter 39: Adventure in Sucyworld!

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Things at Luna Nova seemed to settle back down to what they were again.

It was nice to know that Akko was getting the encouragement and support from her teachers to get her grades up!

Well some of them anyway.

The whole school just seemed to settle back into everything nicely.

I like to think that I do have an effect on the school, but that might not really be true.

I'll believe what I want to believe.

Lessons this morning were normal, barring one important thing though.

The red team was missing someone.

Akko and Lotte were by themselves this morning.

There was no sign of Sucy.

I thought she just might have been late to lesson or something.

Hours passed and there was still no sign of her.

I hope she's ok!

When lunch came around, I made sure that I got to speak with Akko and Lotte.

Y/N: Akko, Lotte! W-wait up!

They stopped so I could catch up to them.

Akko: Hey Y/N! We were just on our way back to our dorm. Sucy didn't wake up this morning and she still hasn't arrived.

Y/N: Y-yeah I was just about to ask about that. C-can I come with you?

Lotte: Of course! You might be able to help us out a little bit!

Y/N: I-I will give you my help wherever you need it!

Lotte leads the way as Akko walks next to me and slips her hand into mine.

Akko: H-how are you? You know after what happened the other day.

Y/N: F-fine now. I-I think me and the headmistress are back in good terms now.

Akko: That's good! I-I really started to think that I had lost you!

Y/N: C-can't get rid of me that easily! You're stuck with me!

Akko gives me a big smile.

Akko: Anyway, thanks for being there and helping me not getting expelled. Even if things went horribly afterwards.

Y/N: Y-you're most welcome Akko! I-I w-would do anything for you.

She kisses my cheek and leans up against me.

Akko: I'm glad!

We walk on and soon get back to their dorm.

The first thing I notice was Sucy still asleep on her bed.

However what stuck out the most was all of the mushrooms growing all around her.

Y/N: W-what did she do?!

I look around and spot a clue as to what she was up to.

Y/N: I-is that an empty vial?

I walk over and pick it up.

Looking at it, there was only a minimal amount left in it.

Y/N: Sh-she must have made a potion or something last night. And tested it on herself...

Akko: Maybe. But I did wake up with a metal funnel in my mouth this morning. I think she was going to test it in me, but in the end did it on herself.

I look back at the sleeping Sucy and sat on the bed next to her.

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