Part 3) Ashaura

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"Pain was her friend and torture, her lover."


She promised herself that she wouldn't relapse, not entirely. She failed with the pills, with the cutting...and now with alcohol. "Screw it," she gasps and unscrews the cork in the bottle of Jack Daniel's. Her vision swims. Pain radiates through her body and it won't stop. She throws the empty Jack Daniel's bottle in the sink. Grey Goose next. The horror in his eyes as she looked down at him with pain, he hated to see her upset but she heard his thoughts. Suffer. Suffer and see how you like it Flame. I hope the pain cripples you; I hope it leaves you broken. I hope you regret what you did, what you've ever done. You're right. You have lost me. Leave, leave, and stay away from me! Casa Noble. His thoughts drove a knife through her newly-found heart, he begged for death, he begged for it and she took it from him. Gem begged for love and her Other took it from him, Gem begged for death and Rhea took it away because she couldn't stand these feelings; how selfish. How selfish she was--is, how selfish she is. Four Roses. Four bottles of alcohol down and it isn't enough. It looks so promising, so sharp and promising. "No. No, I will not." She ransacks the medical room, looking, begging for something to ease the pain. Found it! She looks at the bottle. Voices stir in her head.

Don't do it Mija, stay in this world, and fight. I am not ready for you to come to see me yet. Her father

My little sister is a prostitute, I cannot believe you. No wonder mom doesn't want you, look at you, a little slut. I still wonder why Dad loved you, and what he saw in you. He hated me! He hated his other children because his slutty daughter is so bloody perfect! Her brother.

Sobrina, I thought you were over this. You have been sober for years! Why do this to yourself Rhea, why torture yourself? Please reconsider, put it down Rhea, put it down. Nene.

How could you say those things? You let me bear my soul out to you, you made me fall in love with you just to kill me in the end. I should have never trusted you. I didn't want you to die. I still don't. But you should suffer. Maybe you need to suffer as you have made others suffer before you realize what you are. Your self-destruction is your own, I won't put myself on the line just for you to kill me again. I won't do it Flame. Gemini.

I told you, he is not good for you. Trust me, my twin, trust me. I did it for your own good. I value my life and for now, I need you, you must stay alive until I can break free of you. I don't want you to suffer my twin, so when I break free I will slaughter them. I will slaughter each and every one of the bastards, and I will make you watch, your pain will drain as the blood does from their bodies. Do not cry my twin, I understand, I do, Athrhea. We are so close, we are one, and I understand you better than anyone. We will rule the world and there will be no more tears shed from us, those who make you suffer, who make me watch as my twin suffers, will die. Drink. Drink as much as you like, I will save us when you are done. Destroy. Destroy yourself, my twin, do it all and I will make sure we are safe. Do it. Do it Athrhea, I beg of you. Give yourself that torture, give yourself the pain and pleasure, let yourself it all. Yes, my twin, do it and let me free, and you will no longer suffer. Please my twin, please set me free. Her Other.

That feeling bubbles up in her, the alcohol simmering in her system. She takes the bottle and empties it in her hands, not bothering to see what it is, and swallows the chalky pills, her hands twitch, and her body shivers. "No, not now. Not yet."

Take your time my twin. I feel you losing the pain, make yourself suffer and I will help. Finish it, my twin. She scans the room looking at the bottle across the room screaming her name, the name on the bottle making her insides tingle, making her lips smile. She takes it and empties it, dropping the bottle to the floor and letting the label stick up at her, her old friend's name gleaming. OxyContin. The high is coming, that high she had broken from is back and it is raging. Her feet take her back to the liquor cabinet, polishing a Plymouth and Richland off and heading to the training room, her high being so close to complete. The bottle of gin slips from her fingers and shatters on the floor, surprisingly waking no one up as it is the middle of the night.

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