31) Goodbyes

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"He latched onto her with all of his might and prayed she wouldn't break him. "


"Your hands are so cold."

She chuckles and slips them down his sides, her fingertips skimming his skin. He sucks in a shaky breath and pulls her closer to him, burying his face in her long white hair. She runs her fingers over his chest and trails them to his hair, gently combing them through his messy black hair. Her even breathing mixes with his rough breaths, her lack of body heat making him pull the blankets tighter around him. "Cold, are you?"

"Yeah. Are you cold-blooded?" he asks her. She smiles and leans closer to his ear.

"Yes, I am. I have the innate ability to change my body functions and temperature to fit my surroundings. That is how I was able to pass like I was in a coma; I lowered my body temperature and slowed my heart; it often freaks people out," she says. He looks up into her blue eyes that shine down on him in the dark, her white teeth glowing with her smile. His face must have betrayed his emotions because her smile drops, and she starts to back up.

"No, Sàv, don't," Lane says. "Please. I know you must go back, but please stay here for a little longer. Please."

He displays the infamous 'Puppy Eyes', making her sigh cutely. "You have no idea what you are getting yourself into, Lane; just go while you can; I am not her."

"I don't care—"

"You should," she jabs angrily. "You deserve love, which I cannot give you. That Lenalyn seems...nice."

"You hate her."

"Yes, I do, but she has a large heart filled with strong love and everything you deserve. She fancies you; why else would she be so against me coming? She thinks she has a chance, but when I am here, she knows she will always be second; I should not even be a factor. Go to her Lane and leave me behind," she says, each word sending pain through his heart.

"Sàvia, I'm fine. I want this as long as I can have it, what happens after doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you're here with me," he replies, turning her in his arms, his arms wrapping around her bare waist. He places a kiss on her shoulder and brushes his nose against her hair, sniffing her blackberry-scented hair. She scoots closer to him and relaxes into his chest.

"Do you ever wonder why we are who we are?" she inquires.

"I used to wonder, but I learned it does nothing good to think and worry about that. I say the only thing that matters is if we are being true to ourselves, and that we aren't trying to be like someone else. Like you, you never act like anyone else, you are one of a kind Sàv, and I mean that. There is not a single person in the world who could ever be you, they wish they could."

"I get that a lot; I am rare. It does not bother me though, I like the look of fear on everyone's faces when I walk into a room, it is funny. Almost as funny as you trying to unstrap my heels," she smirks.

"Hey! I've never had to unstrap pointy death traps. Besides, I liked them on you."

"Do you now?" she whispers seductively. Lane gulps and nods. "Then put them back on."

"I don't wanna get out of bed," he whines, pulling her closer. "I'll put them on when we get up." She sighs and drops the conversation her hands tracing the air, nails shining with the moonlight. A spark of fire comes from her fingertips and she stills. "What the hell was that?"

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