32) The Gifts

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"She didn't know who she was, and he didn't know that he did."


The boy still sleeps, his hand still clutched in her own. It is a wonder why he has attached to her; did he not see the glint in her eye, the blood on her? Can he not tell the pain she inflicts? He's just a sixteen-year-old boy, but he has endured more, the frown on his face making him look so old. His hand will clench and when he feels her hand in his own his lips twitch up in a smile, she strokes his head running her fingers through his hair. He is adorable with his little boyish glint to him, his slight blush when he looked at Rhea, like a boy who had never seen a girl in just her undergarments. The poor boy twitches in his sleep, murmuring over and over a name. "Rosé."

A knock sounds on her door. She gracefully slips from her bed and opens the door, rolling her eyes as Gemini comes into view. His blond hair is out of sorts, going out in all directions and his grey sweatpants hug his hips, a tight black shirt fitting his body. Bags lace under his eyes as if he hasn't gotten sleep in weeks. "May I come in?"

Wondering what he could want she lets him in, slapping his hand as he tries to turn the light on; she claps her hand over his mouth and leads him to her windowsill. The boy whimpers, his body curling under the covers and his brow furrowing, Rhea slides back onto the bed and places his head in her lap. He immediately calms and buries his head into her stomach. "Flame, who the hell is that?"

Oddly enough a trace of jealousy slips through in his voice as his lip curls slightly. She places a finger on her lips and holds her hand out, Gemini looks at her with confusion and she takes his hand in hers, pulling him to the bed. He sits beside her with his hand gripped in hers. She lets go and lays her palm against his forehead watching as his eyes roll back in his head with a gasp. Not a minute later she takes her hand away leaving him gasping beside her, turning her attention back to Rhett she watches as his lip quivers and a tear escapes his eye. Rhea wipes it away and traces her fingers up and down his back, grinning at his squirming.

"What the hell did you do? How did you do that?"

She places her palm against his head and closes her eyes sending him the image in her mind, the most tranquil image she can produce, as close to happy as she can get. He gasps in what sounds like pain and she removes her hand, leaving him stunned looking at her with sorrow on his face. With a flick of her wrist, the door opens and Ángel is pulling Gemini out by his ankle. "Flame! Tell me!"

Rhett shoots up, his free hand over his heart breathing rapidly. "F-Flame?"

"Hello love," she whispers, caressing his cheek. "How are you?"

"Sore, my body just aches. Who was that guy in here?" Rhett replies.

"A fellow pupil, we train occasionally. He is the main one you must watch out for, I have thrown him off for now, but you cannot stay here, it is not safe. I have somewhere you can stay, only I know where this is, you will be safe, and bring your sister with you. Will you go?"

"You won't leave me?" he whispers, his voice cracking sadly.

"I cannot remain there, but I will visit every day, it is not long from here. I will not leave you, that is my promise," she vows, and he climbs onto her lap and hugs her tight, she wraps her arms around him and kisses his forehead.

"Thank you," he cries, "Thank you."

"Do not thank me, child, thank your Angel." Thank his Angel for bringing him to Rhea in a moment of peace, of sparing his life not once, but twice. Thank his Angel for leading Rhea to a bout of revenge.

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