18) Beware the Broken Angel (Part 2)

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"Oh, the blood on her hands. She breaks men all while keeping her halo straight."


"Can I come?" Nene asks. She decided to use her middle name, Rosa, to cover up instead of the name everyone knew her by. "No, I'm serious. Can I come?"

"U-uh sure," Ty stutters, face going pale from the flying Rhea assumes as Rhea replies, "No."

"Oh, Sàvia, I have something for you!" Nene smiles. She hands over a small box to Rhea who enthusiastically opens it. "Alanea told me you'd want it."

She emphasizes 'Lane,' so Rhea knows who got it for her. A black serpent slithers from the box. "My snake!"

"S-snake? You have a snake, Sàvia?"

It slithers up and around her shoulders to rest its head by her jugular. "Oh, my baby!" She looks at the other items in the box. Her backpack, which she had forgotten at the hotel, her phone, and her Berettas. "She's the best."

"So, who's wedding is this Chico?"

"Um, it's my fiancé's wedding--well, his parents broke us up and made him marry a girl," Ty whispers sorrowfully; he really does love Soren.

"You're gay?" Nene beams.

"Tía! That is not appropriate!" Rhea exclaims.

"What? I didn't say it was wrong; I asked a question, sobrina, that is all. Besides, that is rubbish. No parent should interfere in their child's love life; I say if you want to get hitched, get hitched! Screw them," Nene defends.

"Aye, Rosa," Rhea sighs, giving Ty an apologetic look. "How long until we are there?"

"Tres o cuatro horas. Not long, but buckle up. I'm not a slow pilot," Nene chuckles and sends the plane lurching forward.


He wakes to an empty bed. "Sàvia?"

No reply. He checks the clock, and it's only three-thirty am, she's still on her run. Lucas removes himself from the now cold sheets and dresses, memories of her skin dancing in his head. By far, Sàvia is the most beautiful and experienced person Lucas has ever been with, 'been' is a strong word; he has never been in a relationship, just Friends with Benefits. Still, he has never met anyone as bold and sexy as her. There are other words to describe her, but they are left better said in his head.


Lucas's head turns in the direction of Isiah calling out to him, his feet nearly slipping from underneath. "What?"

"I saw Sàvia and Ty leave the building around two. I followed their tracks, and it went cold at the little beach a block away. We can't find them," Isiah announces, hands fidgeting by his sides.

"You mean to tell me that Tiberius and my Sàvia are missing? Find them!"


"I said find them!" Lucas shouts, fist coming down on the glass table in the living room, the glass shattering. "You've done it this time, Ty. I want Sàvia alive and Ty dead, understand?"

The whole room nods and departs quickly, leaving a fuming Lucas behind. "Not this, Little Brother, I won't let you take what is mine."


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