28) Chasing Love

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"They see broken hearts; she sees broken bodies."


"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine," he says. He twirls the note around in his hand, hands running over the parchment and the delicate letters.

"Lane...you don't have to cover how you feel. Talk to me," Lena whispers, her hand running over his back. "I won't judge you. Who is she?"

"What? There is no she," Lane replies, lying through his teeth.

"A guy only acts like this when a girl is involved; she broke your heart." He nods. Lena takes his hand in hers; it's been ten days since he came here, ten days since Sàvia said goodbye and walked out of his life. It's been ten days since he got his heart ripped out.

"I knew her for a month and I fell in love with her. She was someone I shouldn't have gotten involved with, but I did. She was an assassin and con woman; she was helping me escape and return home and I fell for her. God, she is the most violent person but also beautiful, I have never met someone as scary as her. She had a black mamba, for crying out loud! She was even bitten, and she didn't die, she trained it."

"What was her name?"

"Sàvia Lorenzo."

"The Daughter of the Mafia? You fell in love with her?" Lena gasps.

"What happened to not judging me!"

"I'm sorry, Lane. What can I do to help you?" she asks. He sighs and leans his head against her shoulder, her hand coming up to rest against his cheek. He sighs again, winds his hand through Lena's, and looks up at her with a smile; she smiles back down at him and kisses his forehead.

"Just stay here while I sleep, please," he whispers, releasing her to lie down, his body curling into the bed. Lena pulls the blue duvet up to his body and slips in beside him, his body pulling him closer to her, only to realize she isn't Sàvia. How could he be so attached to her? He knew she would never stay, but he still fell for her. How stupid.

"What's stupid?"

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking, and I guess I said that out loud."

"What's stupid?" she repeats. Knowing there is no way out of this question, he answers.

"It was stupid of me to fall for her. From the very start, she told me that she would never stay, that there would be a day when she wouldn't come home, and that she doesn't do 'relationships'. And here I had to fall for her. Stupid," he mutters, trying to keep the tremble from his voice. "She's a heartbreaker, and I let her break mine. I know she left, and she's not returning, so why does it hurt so bad, Lena? Why?"

"Lane, heartbreak is natural; everyone experiences it at least once. My heartbreak was when my fiancé cheated on me," she whispers, "with my mother. I was devastated and betrayed by my lover and my mother. I ran away after he cheated, and I came to live with Nene; she was always coming into my neighborhood and helping those who needed it. One day, she came to my house and asked if any of us needed help, and I said yes. I left with her, and I've been here for three years while Chris and my mother have had two children back home. I love to watch every soul that comes through these doors as they all transform into the best they can be. From the little ones to the elderly, there isn't a person I've met that I don't love. They are family to me. Love is a painful thing, but it is also an extraordinarily beautiful thing. Don't give up on it; that girl will find you one day, and she will love you heart and soul, and all your broken pieces will stitch back together. Do you believe me?"

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