4)Just Regret and Hope

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"The one thing he wanted he couldn't have."


A kiss.

The kiss that he had dreamed of since seventh grade. As much as he hated using Adison, the pain of wanting what he could never have was too much. Maybe he'd fall in love with her and forget all about Athrhea Haven. It was to no avail. Just the regret of loving her and hope to stop.

Bradley had never had a problem with women. He'd always respected them, and it wasn't that he didn't respect Adison, but rather the heartache had gotten too much to bear. Having a baby at sixteen was never part of the plan, but is it ever? Adison had been so in love with him and was ecstatic when she found out they were expecting.

Eight months later little Adaline Ray Hastings was born on the nineteenth of June 2971. Bradley couldn't stand knowing that he had a hand in creating her, knowing he had betrayed Rhea even though she'd never know. Brad's continued absence took a toll on Adison. Nearly three years later with nothing but a note cursing him to the high heavens, she vanished taking their daughter with her, only to return a year later alone.

"Lin didn't deserve to be raised by just her mother; her father was too lost in his mind to be around for her. I took her to my parent's house, but I couldn't bear to leave you and never see you again," she had told him. "I love you, Bradley, nothing will change that."

That was six months ago. Six long months of meaningless words and fake love. But that was before Rhea kissed him, the feel of her cool lips against his hot ones, the way she held his head in her hand, how she pulled him to her. Not thirty minutes after he last talked to her on the Com, he arrived back at the station, bones weary and mind spinning.

"Deputy. You look like hell," Chief Bailey smiles.

"Thanks, Chief. Six hours on a plane doesn't do justice when you're prone to jetlag."

"Are you okay? I mean, other than jetlag. You look like you've got some weight you'd like to get rid of."

"Just tension from the past that has resurfaced, nothing bad, Chief, but thanks for the concern. I appreciate it," Brad says, plastering on his most convincing smile. He walks to the desk he shares with Officer Chang and picks up the manila folder on the desk with the name MADISON LU.

"Deputy, you are relieved from duty for the weekend. Go home and get some rest. Clear up those demons in your head, Hastings. That is an order," Chief demands, nodding his head off towards the door. With a small salute, Bradley heads home.


"Honey, is that you?"

"Yeah, Ad, it's me," Bradley replies to his girlfriend, hanging his keys up on the mantel hook, coming in to see Adison on the couch with her computer in her lap. "What are you working on?"

"Working on my essay for my English class, seven thousand words by Sunday. Babe, what's wrong?"

Bradley sits down on the couch opposite her and hangs his head in his hands, rubbing his temples in an attempt to stop his headache; the effort was in vain. "Just a stressful day at work."

"You know what will help?" Adison drawls, setting her laptop down and crawling over to Brad.

"No, Adison, that is not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"You didn't want me in her life before; why now? Adaline is five years old now; she never knew me. You even said she doesn't like new people."

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