46) Why I Need You

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"At this moment he saw her as his forever as he tells her why he needs her."


Sobs wrack his body, tears build a river, and memories build a prison. Memories of her circle in his head, her body, her voice, her smile....the smile and voice he will never see or hear again. He leans down to press his lips on hers, ignoring the blood because she is his and he has lost her. He kisses her gently and feels a bite on his lip; he plays into the sick dream and pulls her closer, kisses her deeper, holds her tighter... "Gemini?"

He hears a voice but ignores it as he wraps himself around her. "Gem?" He stills as his head shoots up to look right into bright eyes the color of ice and a beautiful girl looking at him.

"Flae? Is this real? Are you real?" he whispers, and she nods, making gestures with her hands. "What is she doing?"

"She's signing. She says it hurts to talk but that it is her." Gemini looks down at his bloodied love and smiles, words slipping from his mouth at high speeds.

"Oh God, I love you; I am sorry I didn't say anything before, and I didn't see what was happening earlier. I am sorry you suffered like this; it's my fault, and I'm sorry--" she kisses him to shut him up. She uses her mouth to form words that he cannot make out. "What?"

She leans up to wrap her arms around his body, clinging to him with all her might. He feels her swallow against his neck, and words drift from her perfect lips; she whispers them so gently he swears he didn't hear them. "What did you say?"

She pulls back, rolls her eyes, and kisses his lips. "I love you, Gem."


She said it. She said those three words that have haunted her. She said them and meant them; most importantly, she said them to Gemini. He looks down at her with shock and love; she enjoys looking at him, stunned and in love. She reaches up to cup his cheek as his arms support her lower back and waist, cradling her broken body to his. "You mean that?"

She nods. "Yes, I mean it more than I have ever meant anything in my life. I told you that I need you and that you are my home. Well, let us say that I happen to love home."

He captures her lips, kissing her with a bruising intensity, and when she winces, he lets up but maintains contact with her lips; cheering and shouting fills the room, and she opens her eyes to see a room full of people from Rhett and Ace to Jaxin to Grey. When he breaks away from her, he repeats those three words, "I love you so much, Flame."

"That is not my name."

"Then what is?"

"Athrhea. Athrhea Jade-Ellis Haven is my name."

Lips touch hers. "That is the most beautiful name I have ever heard."

She yawns. "I am tired."

He nods quickly and lifts her into his arms, seeing him smile as she buries herself against him and wraps her arm around his neck. Within seconds, she is laid in a bed tucked in with the pillows and blankets. But no body. "Gem?"

"Yes?" she twists in the bed and extends her hand. "What do you need?"

"Come here." She hears him take a deep breath and limp over to her; he brushes his fingers through her hair and looks at her expectantly. "Stay with me."

"You want me in bed with you? You're okay with that?"

She yawns again. "No, I am not okay with it; I want it. I need it. Please?" He slinks down next to her in an instant, careful not to jostle her, and she pushes her body closer to him slowly. He wraps his arms around her. "Thank you. Has anyone told you that you are the most beautiful thing? Because you are."

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