39) Once Upon an Us

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"In each other, they find their home."


"Let's go!"

"Shut it. I have a baby in my arms, and I'm still recovering from being stabbed. It's not like anyone is going to come in; I heard them all leave except for Owen," Rhett replies. Rosé rolls her eyes and sneaks through the corridor, praying that no one hears or sees them; they need to get out of here. Rosé is usually right when she has a hunch, and her hunch about this building is not good, similar to the one about Flame, although that hunch is being debated at the moment. She sees the red 2975 Sedan pull up just as they reach the door; only a few more steps--

"Where are you going?" the woman with the jet-black hair smiles.

"Out, isn't it obvious?" Rosé sasses, matching the woman's nasty smirk. She looks at her brother as his eyes widen, his hand unconsciously drifting to his stomach. He backs up with Grey in his hands.

"You--you stabbed me!" Rhett shouts as he looks at the woman; her eyes narrow as she glares at him. "You were the one who stabbed me."

"Finally figured it out, your girlfriend is quite protective over you...be a shame if something happened to her," the woman teases.

"As if you could touch her," Ro scoffs as Rhett hisses, "Leave her alone! She did nothing to you!" Rosé does not like how attached her older brother has become to that girl. He looks at her like she will keep him safe forever, but in reality, the kids and Flame don't have a forever together. Flame will leave Rosé and Rhett eventually, as they always do, and Rhett is wrong. She is like Emily, and she will leave just the same.

"Oh, you don't even know. Our relationship goes deeper than you can imagine. She is a conniving and selfish person you will ever meet, she stole what is mine, and she feels no remorse. Turn around while you can child, she doesn't care for you nor will she ever; she will stab you in the back as soon as she can. Take back your heart. She will have you wrapped around her finger in an instant, and she will make a crown with your bones and paint the walls with your blood," the girl seethes, and Rhett shrinks back even more.

"Hey, leave him alone. Look, I don't know what Flame did to you--hell, I don't even care--but leave my brother out of this. He isn't in love with her nor does he have a crush on her. Keep your personal stuff away from us because we don't care, okay? Now if you will excuse us--or don't, I don't really care--we will be leaving," Ro sasses and smiles as the raven-haired woman glares at her with her jaw dropped, Ro probably being the only other person who would talk back to the woman other than Flame. She takes Rhett's free hand and leads him out of the building with Grey in his arms, pulling him to the red Sedan where a lady--probably Tracy--waits in the front seat with the passenger and rear left side door open.

"Hop in!" They slip into the car silently and the silence remains until Tracy breaks it. "So, how do you know Flame?"

"She--" Rhett starts but is cut off by Rosé slapping his arm. "Dammit Ro, what the hell?"

"You can tell me. Flame trusts me, I work at the bar where she always goes. Did Flame not tell you to call me?" Tracy supplies and Rosé huffs.

"She found me after my dad beat me and took me in, we went and got my sister away from our dad, and she killed him--only because he tried to kill her--then brought us to this house where we stayed. The baby is Grey, some guy dropped him off, and Flame took him in too, she really does have a good heart," Rhett smiles. God he is a goner, Rosé thinks bitterly. Everything Rhett says about her screams that he likes her and not in a sisterly way. Ro can see it hurts her brother that she just up and left, just like Emily did, but at least Flame managed to leave a note and tell them she'd be back whereas Emily left with no warning. What a selfish bitch she was--pardon Ro's language, but no one messes with her family and lives.

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