•Chapter 8•

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I didn't talk the whole way home and when we arrived, I ran up to my room where I had a good cry about it.

Daddy came in about fifteen minutes into my break down and Of Course I had to act like I was asleep because I hate when people see me cry and honestly I had nothing to say to him.

"Delilah", he says patting my shoulder.

"I'm fine. I'm trying to sleep".

He stills for a few seconds before sighing and walking out my room.

I guess I cried myself to sleep because the next thing I know it's early in the morning and the roosters are crowing.

I get ready for the day and eat breakfast with the family like usual. Except this time I don't talk.

Mrs. Jones is having guests over today so It's a perfect chance for me to disappear and find Wesley.

I find the young man in the barn once again feeding the animals. He's got his back to me as he looks out the window in front of him to where Daphne is holding the door open for a group of women.


He jumps startled and turns around to give me an ashamed smile as if he's been caught doing something bad.

"Ya scared me girl. Whatcha doing out here?"

I frown, "I came to talk to you I suppose. This is what friends do ya know".

He grins, "friends huh? Hm somethin tells me ya came back for another kiss".

I turn my face away as it begins to heat up, "that was the worst kiss I've ever gotten in my life".

He throws his head back and laughs, "stop telling lies, we both know that was ya first".

"Sure it was my first but it was still the worst-"

He grabs my elbow and pulls me to him before attacking my mouth. His tongue tastes like porridge and his lips are a bit dry. The kiss is rough with me staying still as he assaults my mouth and when he finishes, he pulls away and leans his head against mine.

"How's that one?"

"Delilah! Mom wants you!"

We pull away and look out the window to where Daphne is standing on the porch screaming at the top of her lungs.

"I've gotta go!" I tell Wesley before wiping my lips and running out the barn.

I ignore Daphne's dark look and walk inside the house to where Mrs. Jones and three of her closest friends are knitting blankets.

They all look up when I walk in and Mrs. Jones ushers me to the seat next to her. The three women are used to seeing me around the house and although they disagree with it for the most part they stay quiet about it. Their daughters stare at me with disgust but hold their tongues like usual.

"Honestly Maureen what does she need to know?" Mrs. Briner speaks up.

Mrs. Jones rolls here eyes, "Phillip requested she be here to learn so she will. We do not question the authority of the man of the house".

The women give stiff nods to her reply as Daphne walks back in with more needles.

"Sit down next to Delilah my dear... listen girls. You have all reached the mature age where your bodies have ripened".

Mrs. Clinton nods, "yes, these are times when you start to feel certain things for boys and have certain thoughts-"

"Mother, please", Deborah stops her Mom.

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