•Chapter 14•

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The doctor came the next day and he confirmed that I had twisted my ankle which I was already aware off.

Mrs. Jones made me stay in bed the whole day but the after four days of being glued to my bed and another week locked up in my room, I refused to be confined again.

I got up, took a sponge bath and made my escape. I wanted to see Wesley for some reason. I think I just wanted to be around someone who was like me and didn't mind my presence.

I snuck out through the kitchen door and and made a run to Wesley's cabin where I found him washing his bloody hands outside.

"Say, what happened to your hands?"

He looks up and grins widely, "goodness D you just about scared the soul outta me! Whatcha doing down here? I heard you hurt ya ankle something bad".

I nod, "nah I only twisted it. Mama-Mrs. Jones was only being dramatic about it".

He ignores my slip up and nods, "yeah she got a way of making a show and exaggerating the facts. But ya feeling better now I suppose?"

A grin creeps to my face, "yeah, I wanted to see you".

He looks behind me and around us, "if your old man catches you here, I'll get another lickin fosho. But ya know what?"

I shrug, "what?"

He slings his arm around my neck, "it's worth it. I missed ya something mean-"


We jump apart and I dont bother saying goodbye to him. I run back home as fast as I can and find Daphne on the front porch glaring at me.

"What!? I thought your Mama was calling me".

She rolls her eyes, "it dont matter who calls you, you answer to all of us. Now tell me where you were and with who!"

I take a step back in shock, "are you trying to imply that I must answer to you!? Because you better get it into your thick skull that I answer to your parents only! So no, you dont get to know where and whom I was with!"

Her mouth drops open and her hands grip her waist, "excuse me! You are my father's property so therefore you're mine too!"

I laugh, "yeah? Well guess what Daphne? Women are property too! You belong to your father and after that, you'll belong to whatever sorry man has to marry you!"

She crosses her arms, "say it isn't true! Your lying so that-"

I roll my eyes, "everybody knows its true Daphne! Your just stupid so your the last one to find out I guess!"

Her mouth drops and I watch proudly as tears well up in her eyes.

"And so what? I'd rather be property than be a n*gger slave!"

I clench my fist as the word hits me straight in the heart.

"Yeah! Well the difference between you and me is that I'll be free one day, but you will always be owned by a man!"

The noise of a carriage rolling up distracts us and she screams for Mother just as I scream for our father. Daphne runs back inside to snitch on me and I run to the carraige to snitch on her too.

"Daddy you wont believe what Daphne just called me!"

He frowns, "great what is it now?"

I wait for him to climb down before I hit him with it.

"Daddy, she called me a n*gger slave!"

He whips his head to me and his face turns red, "she said that to you!?"

I wipe the tears from my face, "yes! She told me that I'm your property so that I means I'm also her property and must answer to her aswel!"

He spits tobacco on the dirt ground, "when did this happen and where's your Mother?"

"Right now-"

"Delilah!", I still at the sound of Mrs. Jones's voice.

Daddy marches to the porch where both Daphne and her Mother stood and I follow behind him.

"Daphne what on Earth did you tell Delilah!?"

"Daddy she called me stupid! She told me that I'm property and will always belong to a man!"

I shrug when he turns to look at me, "I mean its true! You say it yourself too Daddy, it's how society is set up. And for the stupid part, that's because she wasn't using her God given brains!"

Daddy shakes his head, "listen you too, if another argument breaks out again, you're both sleeping in the barn! And Daphne if you ever call Delilah that word again I'll switch ya-"

"Phillip why do you always take her side over your own blood?! Daphne was offended just as bad as Delilah was".

My mouth drops, "being called stupid ain't come close to being called a nigger! She crossed the line".

"Excuse me Mr. Jones?"

We all turn in surprise to see Augustus standing by the carraige watching us fight. Matter of fact, all the slaves and overseers had stopped to watch.

"Goodness gracious, I forgot you came with me Wesley, my apologies. Maurine go ask Beth to prepare a room for Wesley. He'll be staying here for a while".

Mrs. Jones forces a smile and waves Wesley over, "oh my Lord child. You must think we're completely dysfunctional and chaotic. I promise there are days where we do get along. Now come on up, let's get you situated".

While the attention is away from her, Daphne sneaks away, no doubt she's heading to Wesley. Daddy heads to his office and Augustus gives me a small smile as he passes by and I look down as my checks warm up.

"Good afternoon Miss. Jones. Yellow suites you my dear".

I tug on my yellow dress and swallow, "Good afternoon to you too Mr. Blair and thank you sir".

He walks in and I look up in time to catch him turning his head to give me one last glance. Our eyes meet and his checks stain red and I turn my back to him.

Something about that boy seemed to make my heart flutter.

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