•Chapter 17•

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The next weekend Miss. Jones holds another one of her 'Young Women Informational' meetings.

This time we were supposed to discuss child bearing but I still can't comprehend how we are to discuss that topic when we haven't even discussed sex to begin with. It's like we skipped the major important topic and went to the next one without any background knowledge.

"...and soon after that is when the baby begins to kick", Mrs. Clinton says.

"During the first few months you'll experience very distasteful symptoms. Like when I was pregnant with Anna, I only ate pickles and cheese and had a terrible bladder", Mrs. Briner says.

Mrs. Jones nods, "and let's not forget swollen feet".

"Is it true that you can get pregnant again while pregnant?", Deborah asks.

"Nonsense. You most certainly cannot. And I suppose that's the best part of being pregnant. Having sex any time without worrying about getting pregnant!"

The girls and I stare at Mrs. Clinton in shock.

"So, what exactly is sex?", everyone gives me blank looks. "Like I know that a penis goes into a vagina but then what?"

Mrs. Jones's face goes red, "what happens between husband and wife must stay between husband and wife. That's a question for your husband dear".

"Who taught my husband? And if he knows before marriage, why can't I?"

Daphne snickers, "Oh don't be stupid Delilah, nobody teaches men. They learn from experience of sleeping with anything that has a vagina while woman are chastised for even looking at a man-"

"That's enough Daphne!" Her Mother shouts.

It's been about a week since Augustus and I saw Daphne naked with Wesley out back. She continues to ignore me and I do the same.

Mrs. Jones gives me a look and I know to keep my mouth shut from asking any more questions.

"Once again, let's be clear ladies. Sex is between you and your husband. There ain't nothing to be anxious about because he'll teach you that part. Your dismissed".

I follow Anna Briner to her carriage where I corner her and demand answers.

"Say Anna? I know you and Johnny be having sex, so I'd like to know if you could answer my question?"

Anna looks down at me with distastes, "the rumors you heard are untrue. I am a virgin-"

"Oh cut the bullshit we both know that's a lie. I even saw you with my two eyes out there on the field butt naked!"

She glares at me, "lower your voice Delilah! And no I cannot tell you something as private as that!"

Her mother comes outside and I move away from their carriage. I think about asking Wesley but I'm feeling uncomfortable about doing that when I know he belongs to another woman so it's improper.

None of the house slaves will tell me and Daddy sure wouldn't even consider telling me, so that leaves me with Augustus. I figure if he can confess his love and kiss me, then he wouldn't have a problem explaining intercourse.

I find him out in the field bathing in the sun with his poetry journal and hat.

"Say Augustus? I got a question for you".

He lifts the hat from his face and tilts himself up on his elbows, "and I've got an answer, my sweet".

"Well the nature of the question is a bit inappropriate for a young unwed woman to ask an unwed man but please understand I was left with no other choice but to ask you".

He grins, "I'm French bella, there's not much I consider inappropriate".

I nod, "I was wondering if you can tell me what you do with sex?"

He stares at me in shock before laughing, "excuse me but the manner to which you stated the question caught me off guard. You mean to ask me how people have sex?"

I nod again.

"Well, that is quite an inappropriate question I may say. Maybe you should ask your Mother?"

I frown, "you told me that you have an answer for me".

He strokes my cheek with his thumb, "I fear of ruining your innocence".

I hold my head high, "Mother told me that I shouldn't worry because my husband knows and he'll teach me. I'm not keen on relying on the knowledge of a man. I wanna know so that I'm aware of what's to come".

He grins, "then marry me. I know more than enough for the both of us".

I hit his arm, "Augustus I'm serious as a heart attack".

He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding, "well...sex is a very simple...task I suppose. It's just a man making love to a woman".

"Making love?"

He nods, "sex is like dancing. A man spins his woman around and around until they are both high with bliss. Except both are naked and joined of course".

"Bliss?" I whisper.

He traces the shape of my lips, "bliss is pleasure. When both parties reach their high-"


I jump startled and spin around to see Wesley walking over. He has an empty sack in his hands and I figure he was heading to the field to pick cotton.

Wesley's eyes follow Augustus hand that wound around my waist to keep me from falling when Wesley had startled me.

"Whatcha doing out here...alone with him?"

I swallow, "oh, um, this is Augustus. He was showing me his poems".

His mouth sets in a disapproving frown, "I think ya oughtta git back inside".

Augustus's arm pulls me closer to his chest, "oh but we haven't finished yet-"

"Delilah git inside!" Wesley shouts at me.

Augustus pulls me behind him and steps closer to Wesley, "excuse me what authority do you have to order this woman around?"

"What authority do you have to be alone with an unwed woman and to hold her inappropriately?" Wesley hits back.

"The authority of a lover!"

Wesley grunts in disbelief, "you claim love?"

"Don't you", Augustus replies with his head tilted to the right where Daphne stood watching us at a distance.

"My affairs are non of your concern".

Augustus shrugs, "and therefore mine are neither yours".

He turns around and pulls me over to the creek. My heart is nearly about to burst out of my chest and from his heavy breathing, I know Augustus is just as shocked and nervous as I am. But one thing that I know we both are sure about, is that what we feel for one another, is indeed real.

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