•Chapter 19•

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Another three months pass of watching Daphne sneaking out at night to see Wesley. Daphne unsurprisingly cuts me off and pursues a friendship with Anna Briner.

I guess they're friendship is perfect considering both of them are engaging in sexual activities before marraige. They can bond over that.

But in those two months, my heart grows fonder of Augustus in ways I never knew you could love someone in.

From the way his deep voice rumbles to the way he walks, I'm completely obsessed with this man.

I can admit that the thought of having sex has crossed my mind a million times and honestly we've come close to doing it a couple times. But something in both of us always pulls away.

We know what the consequences of sex are and throwing ourselves in those deep waters is not something we want to inquire.

So we both decided that when I turn eighteen and gain my freedom from Daddy, the two of us will move up North and try to creat a living there.

The sound of Daddy screaming at someone makes me put my poetry journal on the couch and look out the window.

Daddy was holding a whip in his hand as he screamed at Wesley. A slave girl my age is standing next to Wesley, visibly shaking. The overseer shoves her into Wesley who catches her before she falls into the dirt.

I dont realize Daphne had walked into the room to look out the window until she sucks a breath in.

"You see, it ain't gonna work out Daphne. He's set to marry her and breed with her and yous gonna be married off to a white man soon too".

She turns to face me with a glare, "shut your mouth Delilah, ain't you a white mans whore?"

I crack a laugh, "whore? We both know who the whore in this house is Daphne".

"Augusts can't and would neva marry your black ugly self! He will be married off to a beautiful white woman, forget you even existed and produce pure white children. But not you, not an ugly nigger like you-"

I grab her by the shoulders and slam her into the wall, "if you ever call me that word again I'll slap the sense back into! You-"

She pushes me off of her, "i know all about your plan to get your papers and head up noth to be wed! Your an idiot Delilah that's still illegal!"

I nod, "yes but the difference between us is that if we got caught, I'd get hurt the most. But if you and Wesley get caught, he would take the knife for both of you. For Pete's sakes Daphne, can ya stop being selfish and think about others for once!?"

She steps back from me and something in her eyes change, "Mark my words Delilah, if I can't be happy, then neither can you".

She storms off just as Daddy walks into the living room with both brows raised.

"Now why on Earth can I hear you two arguing from outside?"

I remain quiet, too angry to talk. If I try, I know I'll just cry, scream and run after her.

Daddy notices the storm in my eyes and tilts his head to the door.

"Com'on sweet pea, how bout you take ya ole man to town today? I gots a few errands to run".

I needed to get out of the house. There was nothing to do anyways. Augustus already left to work and Mrs. Jones was away at her Mother's this afternoon.

I follow him to the carraige outside and he drives us to the seamstress's house. The woman in her late twenties steps outside and greets Daddy with a bright smile.

He clears his throat and stops me from getting out of the carraige.

"You stay in here baby. I'm only picking up ya Mothers dress".

I narrow my eyes at him but take the reigns as he leaves. Five minutes pass, then ten and then thirty before Daddy comes back out with Mother's dress in his hands and a sparkle in his eyes. Something was off.

He begins to whistle as he hands me the dress to hold and drives to the shop.


"Don't git ya self in trouble Delilah".

I bite my lip, "I was only gonna ask for some licorice at the store".

He turns to study me. We all know I hate licore, the only person that even likes it is Mother.

"Nah sweets ain't good for ya".

I scowl, now I'm definitely not going to tell him about the red lipstick on his lips.

"Adultery is a sin", I blurt out.

His jaw tics, "ya wanna cry tonight gal?"

I look off into the deep green trees, "I'm just telling you, that's all".

"We'll I ain't need ya telling me jack, Darlin". The carriage stops outside the shop and he hands me some dimes.

"Go get some licor, gum and two loaves of bread".

I nod and do as I'm told.

By the time we arrive home, both Mother and Augustus are back. Augustus appears pale at the face and Mother's face turns red with furry when she sees Daddy's face. But yet she says nothing.

By now I have learned that speaking up won't change anything. She'll still have to be married to him, and he'll still sleep with whomever he pleases.

"That hideous dress will not enter my house. Delilah take it out back, I'll have it burned tonight!"

Daddy doesn't even seem phased by her antics. Yet, this is not the first time she has had one of his 'surprise' dresses burned out back. Back then I didn't understand why she went as far as to burn a dress all because she found it hideous. But now I do, she knows.

I go out back to throw the dress in the fire can, when someone grabs me by the waist.

Augustus's perfume swirls around my nose before I even meet his eyes.

"Missed me?" I whisper with a grin.

He releases me, "Delilah we need to talk".

I stiffen at his serious manner, "what's wrong?"

"Daphne tried to seduce me".

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