•Chapter 4•

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On Sunday Morning, Daddy, Mrs. Jones and Daphne woke up early to go to Church service like usual.

Sundays for me mean staying at home and finding something to entertain myself until they return.

Miss. Lucy is finishing up breakfast dishes so she too can go to her own Church services down near the lake behind the slave Quarters.

"Say Miss. Lucy? Am I slave? Be honest with me. I'm just about sick and tired of people lying to my face".

She gives me a long look, "I don't know chile you oughta ask the Massa that one".

"I did, he ain't give me a direct answer".

She gives me a knowing look, "don't get into foolishness chile. They might not treat ya like a negro but they'll be quick to remind ya of ya place if ya step outta line".

She finishes drying the last spoon before removing the towel, "don't look so down. God still love ya the same despite ya blackness. Say, how about I takes you to Church with me?"

A soft smile grows on my lip, "surely? Will they want me there?"

She shrugs, "you my chile but most importantly yous God's chile. Who gon kick you out his house?"

I grin wide before turning around and running inside the library to grab my Bible. Miss. Lucy leads me down to the field where the sermon has already started and people are sitting on stools or on the grass as they listen. A young man gets up to offer his seat to Miss. Lucy and Wesley waves me over to sit next to him on the grass.

"Whats ya doing here? I thought, 'this ain't no place for ya'?"

I roll my eyes, "he don't know I'm here and so what? It's Church!"

He smiles as he shakes his head making his soft curls bounce, "he gon switch ya when ya get home".

I roll my eyes, "nah, he ain't ever beat me or Daphne before".

"Daphne's his chile, you a negro".

I tilt my head to the side, "ya think I'm a slave? He wouldn't answer me when I asked".

Wesley shrugs, "I ain't know but you definitely get treated special, ain't like the rest of us".

We quiet down as the Preacher starts his sermon. With everyone's attention on him, I take a good look around at the faces of people who look exactly like me but I'm forbidden to commune with.

As my eyes wander about, they meet with the overseer's who gives me a long look. That's when I realize he's definitely going to tell Daddy I've been here. Whipping my head away, I look back to the Preacher and tune into what he's saying.

"Ephesians Chapter six verse five to seven says, 'Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free".

"Brothers and Sisters the Lord has told us to obey authority. That this authority is for our own protection because we do not know what is out there in this world, all the dangers of this world. It says we are to obey with respect, fear and sincerity in our hearts! If ya master says 'jump', you jump, if he says 'roll over' you roll over, if he says 'work the field' you work the field. And in return, God will reward you".

People holler out 'Amen' as I narrow my eyes and bite my tongue.

"We are to obey our Massa's for they are the authority that God has given us. They are the protection that he has given us. From all the dangers of this world".

"There's more to that chapter".

Wesley turns to look at me, "what?"

"Children? Is there a problem back there?"

We look up at the Pastor and many eyes that have turned around to stare at us.

"Umm", I start. "I was telling Wesley that there's way more to that chapter".

"Say what?", he quizzes.

I look down at my open Bible, "it ends saying, 'And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him'.

The Pastor blinks at me, "what's ya point young lady?"

I raise my chin, "my point is that yes, we are to respect authority but the authority is to be fair. Does a fair Master make his slaves work all day out in the sun and whip em? Even God has mercy".

This time he looks at the overseer who shakes his head at me. Everyone has now turned around to give me full attention with interest to what I'm saying.

"Colossians four one even says 'Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven'. Why do the slaves have to do their part but masters getta skip out? It outta go both ways don't ya think?"

The Pastor clears his throat as the overseer mouths something to him.

"Church dismissed".

I stay seated as everyone gets up and and gives me long looks before walking away. I keep my chin up when the Pastor walks over, a tight grip on his Bible. Miss. Lucy trails behind him with anxiety written all over her face.

"Yous gonna get ya self in trouble speaking like that gal".

"The people should know the truth, the whole truth. Yous as a Pastor don't get to pick and choose what parts of the Bible people should know-"

"I'm only doing my job".

"Hidin' the word of God?" I shoot back

"I'll take it from here".

We turn to the overseer whom we didn't see walking over. Wesley goes rigid and leans closer to me in a protective manner. His body heat warming me up even more than the sun.

"Git on boy! Let me talk to the gal".

Wesley refuses to leave my side and if anything I feel him press closer to me.


My blood runs cold and I jump up from the grass to see Daddy standing near the house with his arms crossed as he watches us. Even from way over here I can see the red shade of his face meaning he's extremely angry with me.

"Lord have mercy", Miss. Lucy breaths out.

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